Blog Dat Wan Gai's Newbie Lizardmen Log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by DatWanGai, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Heyo! DatWanGai here!

    I've recently joined this forum and in hopes of getting any useful tops I decided I would make a Log of me painting my Lizardmen army.

    Note: This is my first time painting a warhammer lizardman, so any constructive critisism is extremely welcome. To start off the log I want to show you a picture of my first lizardman whom I have called Kortaal, the leader of my Skink "Green Manes".

    So far I've only painted a 5 skinks along with a skink priest, and half of a Saurus Oldblood. My plan for the future is to have at least 1 pack of both Skinks and Saurus painted, with a group of Ripperdactyls and my special units.

    Here are my Skinks along with the priest:

    This is my Saurus Oldblood, which i'm trying to complete as of now. I'm almost finished with the basecoat. As you can see I decided to paint some parts seperately so I could paint otherwise unreachable spots. Only downside to this though is when I'll cut it off there will be a small grey spot, but I can cover that up.

    And last but not least my First Ripperdactyl! I only painted it partly since I rather be painting one thing at a time (My oldblood first) Then I'll get to the dactyl. I also plan to paint the skinks riding the dactyls Purple with Green scales, seeing as Yellow is the compliment to purple, however i'm not fond of yellow, so I'll paint it the closest color to it.

    I will post soon with an update and hopefully with a finished oldblood. This will be a fun ride indeed!!
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I looks like you are off to a good start. I never thought of painting bits while still on the sprue. That's an interesting strategy.
  3. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    I've finished both my saurus oldblood and my ripperdactyl in the same day! I'll post the pictures tomorrow in the evening since its pretty late atm. But so far im happy with the results.

    However, i think the gold on my oldblood is too bright ( i use auric armor gold) Ive been meaning to fix this by washing it either with coelia greenshade to give it a mossy or rusty look (Yeah gold doesnt rust but w/e screw science) or use badab black ( i still have the old wash). Problem is, i'm scared of messing up or not being satisfied with the results, so i ask for your opinion, what do you guys think I should do?

    Thanks in advance and stay tuned for (hopefully) more of my creations. Next I plan to paint the purple-green skink rider. Wish me luck!
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    A lot of people start with brown and then paint the gold on top of that. That often has good results.
  5. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Yeah I basecoated it Mournfang brown and added Seraphim sepia as a wash, I still see it too bright :/

    Thanks for the tip though
  6. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    image_zpsfb65931e.jpg image_zps30413afc.jpg

    Here are the riders which i've made purple and green, unfortunately however they look an aweful lot like barney hence the name;BARNEYSAURS!!!
    Hopefully they don't look ridiculous as the end product


    I improvised the purple with Khorne Red and some Skull White ( don't ask me how it works ) since i dont have any purple colors, but I'm planning on buying them either today or tomorrow since my local hobby shop might be closed on mondays. Wish me luck!!
  7. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Hello and welcome to the forums! Nice lizzies you got there, especially the Ripperdactyl and it's wing patterning. I'm really eager to see how the rider turns out. I think the easiest way to get the gold less shiny is to use something else than Auric Armor Gold. Recently, I have been doing some of my gold so that I first base with the Balthazar Gold, which is very dark, more brass like colour, and then just heavily drybrush some gold on it. I still use the old Shining Gold. You can also wash it with some brown wash (I like to use the old Ogryn Flesh, which is orange tinted light brown wash) and lightly drybrush some more gold or even silver. Good luck with your painting and hopefully we'll get to see more of your work!

    EDIT: Yeah, meant to say that you need to fix the link (add a ] before the htmll part) so that we can see the picture of the riders.
  8. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Here's the picture that didnt work, I posted a reply because when Itried to edit it a message appeared saying that I used too few characters...

    Enjoy my Barneysaurs
  9. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    @Scalenex: I painted my first batch of White Lions on the sprue. It was really easy. Getting the sprue joins cleaned up and color matched took a little bit of doing though.

    @DatWanGai: Nice ripper. You skink priest looks great as well. The barneysaurs are quite eye catching. Are those two done, or are they work in progress?
  10. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    No the barneysaurs aren't finished. I still have to do the basecoat!

    I'm doing one as im typing this, hopefully i'll finish by today so I can post it here.
  11. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Aaaaawwww Yeeeeeaaaahh! My first Barneysaur (And Full Ripperdactyl) is finished! And although I was skeptical of the results, I am immensely satisfied! I think the Purple green went well with the gold and the orange of the Ripperdactyl.

    I officially love this guy!
    IMG_01311_zps8acf045f.jpg IMG_01291_zps480d12a1.jpg IMG_01271_zps998cf54c.jpg

    And here is every model I have completed so far


    Alright guys on a side note, I think i'm gonna stop painting special units until I finish the rest of my skinks! I have them primed but I believe my army needs a bit of a "swarm" if you ask me. So I'll stop posting until they are finished (Probably wont take more than a week, I have gone into a crazy painting frenzy suddenly) I'll paint them 5 at a time so it'll be quick.

    If you're interested on how I made the purple, or if you want to use this scheme I am totally for it and I encourage you to make any improvements to this scheme (I might steal it later ;D)

    Bye guys! See you soon and thanks for the support!
  12. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    It's been a few days since I posted something, so i'll give ya an update.
    As if now I've started painting the saurus warriors, I've also started to paint the skinks in batches of 5. However i've decided to use a different technique since I have to paint so many, I'm gonna se if it turns out nice, if it doesn't i'll just take my time and do them like before. Here's the batch I'm painting as of now. 2 of the saurus are already (Almost) complete, but for some reason It doesn't feel that way. Could It just be the missing shield? I'll have to find out tomorrow...

    Stay Tuned for more updates!
  13. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Welp! Time for update!

    I'm almost finished with my skinks, one more barch and my batalion will be completed!!! With the exeption of a skink hero with sword and shield whom I plan on putting in the front line with the rest of my lizardmen, In other news I finished my first 2 Saurus warriors, At first I didn't like how they turned out that much, but after a while I realized it was because their scales were way too dark, all I needed was 1 more step and they were left up to my standards! Next I might decorate them with red paint like in the boxes, but If not i like them the way they are.

    As for my skink cheif with sword and sheild, I will add some extra time to paint on him because I really love that model, so I want it to stand out and look overall better than the rest of my skinks (not that they look bad right?)

    I will post pictures of the recently painted Saurus tomorrow. Bye!
  14. dragodog

    dragodog New Member

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    Love the pattern on the Ripperdactyl! Great work!
  15. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Here are the pictures,
    To be honest I didn't feel much difference between the way you'd paint Saurus and the way you'd paint skinks; the skin, shield, spear and gold are almost the same.

    But what I did find different (And this made a huge difference IMO) was their scales, I didnt want them to be painted exactly pike the skinks because in the end they would look like oversized clone versions of the lil' guys. So what I did is try to dry brush a mix of white and khorne red for a nice purply look to the scales, it looked nice at first, but somehow something in the model didn't seem quite right, I ignored for a while that all I had to do is highlight the scales to give it an overall better look, it was so simple and right under my nose, anyways i've finished my first two and i'm gonna start painting them like crazy after I finish all of my skinks including my hero.

    And here is a picture of my lizardmen vs my skaven army.

    On a side note, I've never played the actual warhammer game, barely even wqtched it, but as soon as i'm done with my lizardmen army I think it would be time to try it out at my local gamesworkshop. Thanks for the nice comments, and If anyone wants to know how I painted something feel free to ask.
    Bye. See ya next time
  16. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Dat Wan Gai's Newbie Lizardmen Log (Saurus and Bloodbrothers

    Update: So recently I have been waiting very patiently for my Skink Chieftan with sword and shield to arrive (I ordered it through the GW website). However it has been about a week already and it hasn't come yet, so in the meantime, I decided to paint saurus warriors. After panting a couple, I decided to paint one red, with black scales to differenciate from the rest and an idea popped up, hence this which I will now show you. The Bloodbrothers.

    Mik'ru and Ankhatoq : Bloodbrothers

    Mik'ru (the skink) was made after Ankhatoq as a continuation on this "Red lizardmen" idea I had, later I realized that he'd look much too bland for my comfort, and so decided to add some white to act as "war paints", which if I do say so myself turned out quite nice! I am really satisfied with Mik'ru especially since it's an idea i've never done before (disrespecting the lines or different parts of said model). I also put a shoulder plate on him that came with the Saurus warriors box and I believe it looks quite nice, adding more of a bulky feel to the once "skinny" skink.



    And here is Ankhatoq, my red Saurus.



    And here are both together


    I noticed that these two look an awful lot like Silverbolt's "Volcanic Lizardmen" so if you like these, do not hesitate to take a look at his painting blog.

    Cya next time!
  17. rychek

    rychek Active Member

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    Nice! I like the red skink quite a bit. The war paint really makes him interesting to look at.
  18. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Nice and bright paint scheme you got there, it's bright red but still doesn't instantly spawn mental images of bloodletters. I'm a bit bothered by the name, though. It's a bit too close to the Special Character in our book, Kroq-Gar. Unless I misunderstood and it's the same character, in which case I apologize. Oh, and at least before, GW had a guarantee that they will ship within three days, or you get your order for free. I don't know if they still have it, but you might be eligible. What's better than free miniatures?
  19. DatWanGai

    DatWanGai New Member

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    Hey thanks for pointing that out, I never noticed, I took a look and saw he was this big white Saurus. Wouldn't be very creative if the names of my characters were 1 letter different than an original GW unit would it? Gonna have to change that, a simple edit of post should do.

    Concerning the shipping problem, I don't believe that guarantee still works seeing as I've received no notifications that tell me of such a thing, and nothing is said in the customer service section. Another factor might be that since I live in Europe (Switzerland) the delivery time would naturally take longer.

    Other than that thanks for the feedback I myself am quite proud of these models, I might add white war paint to the Red Saurus whose name I still haven't come up with. I'll keep ya updated!
  20. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    I like the bloodbrothers! Especially the skink's warpaint and shoulderpad. Thanks for the shout out ;)

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