Anybody see the new Dread Saurian work in progress model? Found it here:
Nice model. Looks like it would make a really great Thunder Lizard, although it is tough to gauge the size from the picture. Anyone know when the model is scheduled for release?
Looking at the top of the model, there is a region on its back that is free from spikes/bony protrusions. I wonder if this is for mounting options?
Doesn't quite look like the beasty in the Monstrous Arcanum. But nonetheless, great model! It doesn't have a howdah rule in the MA. Just a big ol' angry lizard.
Do not want. Looks like an angry cat/rat with scales. Yuck. I'm glad this wasn't in our book, I think most of us would like a Thunder Lizard over a Dread Saurian anyway.
I on the fence between these two view points. I'd be happier if it looked more like the illustration in Monstrous Arcanum. I was picturing a somewhat less feral more stately dinosaur. We have enough feral looking units already.
There is something very, very wrong with the tail. The head is really nice, but thats about all I like about it, the body looks almost exactly like a scaled up version of the salamander body, and the tail looks like something you would find on a skaven. Having said that, I think I'm fairly safe in saying that I would still buy it, just for the head alone, that is what the carnosaur head should have looked like.
Ahh, that would make sense. Still he does seem a little skinny to me, and the therapod style head looks a little odd on a quadruped.
It's not the head that's wrong. The model shouldn't be on all fours. And where is all the Old One-esque prosthethics. Me unhappy.
Good head, so-so body ... but where is my armour? They'd better be planning some armour options or I'm passing on this one.
I know its a work in progress but at the moment that thing looks garbage. If the end product still screams more rat/feline to me than it does dinosaur il be getting the Magma Dragon and removing it's wings to make my own largscale badass dino.
I think it's just the pose that's a bit odd, I get the impression that it'a a bipedial bino, that is couching down an using one arm for suport so it can chomp down on some troops better.
Yah, could be. It's supposed to have a 3+ save due to it's fancy armor. Plus there's tons of options for glyphs and stuff to make even better.