7th Ed. First 2250 List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Pinkus, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Tomarrow I'll be playing some friends. Hoping to get in some lizardmen games instead of my usual ogres. I just bought some lizardmen, so I've never played them before. The atmosphere will be friendly, but most of them are prepping for a tourney so its probably fine if I don't make a friendly list they can test their armies against. Here's what I am thinking so far.

    Slann: BSB 2nd Gen
    Plaque of Tepok
    Divine plaque of Protection
    Diadem of Power
    Sun Standard of Chotec

    Skink Priest Lvl 1
    Dispel Scroll x2

    Saurus Scar Vet:
    Spawn of Sotek and Old Ones
    Gw, LA, Shield
    Glyph Necklace
    Charm of the Jaguar Warrior

    Saurus Warriors(slann here) x18
    Spawn of Quetzl and Tlazcotl

    Terradons x 4

    Kroxigor x 3

    Kroxigor x 3

    Saurus Warriors x15
    Musician & Standard
    Spawn of Quetzl

    Skinks x 13
    Jav & Shield

    Skinks x 13
    Jav & Shield

    Skinks x 13
    Jav & Shield

    2250 exactly.

    Just 1 quick question, my terradons came without bases, just wondering what size base they should have. Same as a Kroxigor?


    Other models I still have that can be substituted. 3 Salamanders, 1 Stegadon, 6 temple guard I can fudge into a whole unit, 3 jungle swarms.
  2. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    Sun Standard is not necessary along with Plaque of Protection, if small arms want to shoot at a Slann then let them! They won't do any damage and will not be shooting at your other, more easily hurt units. You could be getting the Sun Standard for the bodyguard unit, but a simply skink screen will do the same job.

    May as well make him level 2. Its a cheap upgrade and will almost triple his effectiveness (as he can now use 3 dice on one spell and has almost double the chance of getting the spell you want).

    A good JSoD should always be cheap. I suggest dropping BSo the Old Ones and the Glyph Necklace.

    This unit costs almost 300 points, but understandably so. This unit also eats your last rare choice :depressed: (which I would have given to Salamanders as they simply rock, especially in magic heavy lists, as they are generally more defensive which suits the salamanders)


    Wouldn't more Kroxigor or Saurus Cavalry do what this unit does and for less (and with more manoeuvrability)?

    I understand the theory behind getting 13 in a unit, but wouldn't just getting a whole other unit be better? Also, it is unlikely that there will enough room to scout 2 units on one board (and scouting units benefit more from blowpipes due to not being used as missile screens and the prospect of destroying fast cavalry and the like with a stand and shoot).

  3. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Krox has some good points, the only thing I don't really agree with is upgrading the priest to level 2. I think he's good as he is: a scroll caddy, a bit more LOS and an extra dispel dice. Giving him 3 dice for a spell means that's 2 dice you're not rolling for the slann (if you save these for one spell, that's the equivalent of 3D6+1 casting power) and also giving the chance of a miscast, potentially ending your magic phase.

    I say just kepp him at level one and use 1 or 2 dice to try a portant or a second sign, leave the bigger magic to the slann.
  4. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    What do you think about swapping the priest for a FSoD?

    This is my revised list. I swapped temple guard in, but that makes that unit slightly over 1000 points. Don't know if that's good or not. Is it better to have the temple guard to be stubborn? I think 1 bad combat round or 1 bad terror check and you lose 1000 points.

    Slann: BSB 2nd Gen
    Plaque of Tepok
    Divine plaque of Protection
    Diadem of Power
    War Banner

    Skink Priest Lvl 1
    Dispel Scroll x2

    Saurus Scar Vet:
    Spawn of Sotek
    Gw, LA, Shield
    Charm of the Jaguar Warrior

    Temple Guard(slann here) x18
    Banner, Standard, Shield, Sun Standard of Chotec

    Terradons x 4

    Kroxigor x 3

    Kroxigor x 3

    Skinks x 10
    Jav & Shield

    Skinks x 10
    Blow Pipes

    Skinks x 10
    Jav & Shield

    Salamander x 3

    Saurus Warriors x 10
    BSo Sotek

    I had 4 krox each and FC on the guard, but I think moving them back to 3 each and taking away the champion letting me have a small unit of 10 warriors is a good idea. Makes my battle line that much better. I've learn with my dwarfs that small units of 10 can be huge. Think its better to have Sotek on that small unit so my JSoD can start there?
  5. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Heh, I would suggest making the krox 4 big and FC on the guard and getting rid of the unit of 10. 4 Krox can take rank and file units head on, 3 not as easily. 2 units of Krox and a large unit of TG forms a good backbone that will require a lot to break.

    I think it's perfectly acceptable to swap the priest for a FSoD, it will give you some extra tactical options, which are always nice.
  6. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Slann: BSB 2nd Gen
    Plaque of Tepok
    Divine plaque of Protection
    Diadem of Power
    War Banner

    Skink Chief
    xHW, LA, Shield
    Cloak of Feathers

    Saurus Scar Vet:
    Spawn of Sotek
    Gw, LA, Shield
    Charm of the Jaguar Warrior

    Temple Guard(slann here) x18
    FC Shield, Sun Standard of Chotec

    Terradons x 4

    Kroxigor x 4

    Kroxigor x 4

    Skinks x 10
    Jav & Shield

    Skinks x 10
    Blow Pipes

    Skinks x 10
    Jav & Shield

    Salamander x 3

    I guess my only concern is I have 4 dispel dice and no scrolls now.
  7. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    But you do have the diadem


    +1 to dispel


    4 terradons (great mage hunters)


    drain magic.

    On the face of it you might not look to have much magic defence but it's not so bad when you consider all the options :)
  8. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Then I think on Wendesday I'll give this list a try.
  9. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Won by like 450 points verse O&G. Not bad, minor victory, for my first game with them. I went with the machinegun slann and I have to say it was disappointing. 3 1D6 str4 spells seems nice, but I never rolled over 3 hits with 1 spell, so I was killing like 2-4 models total from 3 spells.

    The biggest thing that happened was my temple guard got front charged by 30 night goblins and 12 orcs. He killed only 2 of my guys and my 3 guys that attacked back did really good winning me combat by 1. I got to tell you Standard + battlestandard + war banner is very nice to have in that unit. His general's leadership was a 9 so he needed to roll 8s and he rolled a 9 and an 11. I chose to persue and rolled an 11 to persue and he rolls a 12 for his first unit and a 12 for his second unit. What are the freaking chances?

    His animosity was nasty, he was rolling 6s for it all night. My first turn I move my terradons within 20" of his savage orc boar boys and he rolls a 6 for animosity and then 4" move to get within charge range and he just ate my unit up.

    I'm late for work, I'll post more later.
  10. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Sounds like the list performed well despite unforseen consequences (something to be expected against O&G). Although this is off topic, my only suggestion to you is not to go after r&f units if you choose to go down the machine gun slann way. As you mentioned, you do not get as many hits, so it is better to use those spells to go after skirmishers, light cavalry, etc. However, even 1-2 casualties on a unit knocks off a rank bonus, and it only cost you 1 power dice.

    That said, I was wondering how your opponent managed to squeeze in those two unit when they charged your temple guard. If my interpretation of the new 7th edition rules are correct, you have to get as many models from the first charging unit as possible into b2b with your unit, prior to his other unit. Both O&G units seemed to have been rather big. Not that it matters too much, as the fighting power of the TG and a +3 banner bonus (+4 including unit standard unless im mistaken) is not too shabby
  11. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    I think we play that both charges happen at the same time, so they split the frontage which left 3 orcs and 4 night goblins able to attack.

    Yeah all his fast calvary were on the flanks so all I had to shoot at was 2 units of 30 orcs and a unit of 30 night goblins. I caused his 1 chariot to panic right through his entire line killing his other chariot and like 8 orcs.

    Here's a little turn by turn action.
    My set up
    Far left flank had terradons and JSoD with skinks in the woods half way up(with FSoD).
    Far right flank had salamanders and skinks in the woods.
    Middle had my kroxs on both sides of my temple guard with a big skink screen in front.

    Turn 1:
    I won the roll and chose to go first. I probably should have gone second.
    Terradons move to 20" on savage orc boar boyz. Skinks move out of trees to shoot. Salamander moves up. JSoD moves into woods.
    I killed 1 night goblin that turn with magic. Very very sad. He had 7 or 8 dispel dice to start.

    He rolls a 6 for animosity with his savage orc boar boys and moves ahead 4". They're frenzied so they have to charge my terradons and he massacred them. The rest of his line moves ahead. He rolled a 1 for animosity with his general's unit and killed 4 orcs. I let a stupid 1D6 str 2 spell go through on my skinks and he killed 5 guys and I failed my panic test. That was the unit with my FSoD that would have charged his warmachines next turn. He kills 1 temple guard with a bad rock lobba shot.

    Turn 2:
    My salamanders shoot and completely obliterate 6 spider riders. My skinks some how caused his 1 chariot to panic which ran through 2 units of 30 orcs each and another chariot. Killed 4 orcs each unit and destroyed the other chariot from impact hits. Magic kills a few orcs.

    I failed my rally test for my skinks by rolling 2 6s and a 5. :( I move my 3rd skink unit to better screen my kroxs.

    His line just keeps moving forward. I think he killed a few skinks with magic/artillery, his 1 doom driver blew up 1 fanatic dies to woods, 1 fantic dies to me shooting it and the 3rd fanatic dies later to doubles. He moves general to other unit since his 1 unit is down to about 12 orcs.

    Turn 3:
    My skinks and chief rally. My salamanders kill 3 savage orc boyz and move into the woods.
    The kroxs to the left wheel around to face the savage orc boar boys. Stealing line of site from every other unit so he has to attack my kroxs. JSoD marches forward to line up a charge on the rock lobba and hopefully overun into other doom driver. Magic again kills a few orcs and night goblins. Nothing to impressive.

    He rolls a freaking six with his savage orc boys to move them in range to charge my salamanders who kill 1 savage orc but break and flee into his wolf riders. I hate animosity. I actually think this turn he WAAAAAAGHed. His general's unit of about 27 orcs charges my skink screen with a chariot. Of course I'm 1/4" outside stand and shoot. I guess I should have fled, but I held and got wiped out. His overruns put his orc unit into my right side kroxs and his chariot into my temple guard.

    He puts 5 wounds on my left side kroxs from his savage orc boar boyz who not only were frenzied but had a banner that gave +1 attack. So I guess out of the 40 some attacks, only actually wounding with 5 is not bad. I killed 3 of his guys in return I lose combat but hold.

    Turn 4:
    JSoD Charges into his rock lobba kills it and overruns into his doom driver.
    FSoD charges into the chariot hitting my temple guard but flops his attacks. The chariot kills 3 total guard counting impacts and my champion finishes off the chariot. My FSoD overruns into the orc unit hitting my kroxs killed 1 orc.

    His general's unit vs my kroxs is 1 of the 2 deciding fights in the game. His general gets +1 attack and +1 strength for each enemy hero within 12", so he does 5 wounds to my unit himself. The rest of his unit basically leaves me with 2 kroxs left. Both are touching his BSB too, who I believe has the +1 dispel die per rank in the unit on him. I throw all six attacks at the BSB wounding with 4. Oh well had to make sure he died. I lost and he ran down my krox, but taking out his BSB made my magic phase 3x better and later on he flops 2 break combat rolls that I'm sure his BSB would have reversed.

    The combat vs. his 3 savage orc boar boyz and my 3 kroxs went very well. He flops his attacks and I kill all but his champion and he runs, but he can't rally with only 1 unit left. I actually forgot to count that banner towards victory points, but it wouldn't have mattered.

    I play ogres a lot and I like to think kroxs are pretty close to ogres, but slightly better. I honestly didn't think 4 kroxs getting charged by 6 frenzied savage orc boar boys would have won that fight. But they did!

    His turn 4 saw his second orc unit AND his night goblins both rolling 6s for animosity and both getting in range to charge my temple guard. At this point I'm sweating bullets. I challenge his night shaman who retires to the back rank like a wuss. He kills 1 temple guard with his orcs and 1 with his goblins. My unit kills 1 orc and 1 night goblin, my champion kills 2 night goblins. Combat res goes like this:
    He gets +3 for ranks on NGs, +1 for ranks on orcs, +1 for out number, +1 for standard, +2 for wounds = 8
    I got +2 for ranks, +3 for standard, BSB, war banner, +4 for wounds = 9

    His general is close so he needs an 8 to hold. He rolls an 11 and a 9. WOW. I couldn't believe it, because his generals unit would have rear charged me next turn if either held and with his BSB dead it was HUGE. The freakish thing about it is I rolled an 11 to persue and he rolls a 12 for the night goblins and a 12 for the orcs. Seriously, what are the chances on that? Like 0.005% or something.

    The good news though is that I captured 2 banners and am out of his general's charge range.

    I also kill the last doom driver.

    Turn 5:
    I reform my guard to face his general. I send my JSoD into his night goblins causing them to flee into my guard killing them. My FSoD rallies. My magic phase kills a bunch of orcs now that he has only 3 DDs and I get level 3 drain magic on his last shaman.

    He charges his black orc boss on a boar out of his orcs into my temple guard. I challenge him with my champion and he does 7 wounds on him... LOL I lose combat by a lot, but am stubborn on an 8 and hold.

    Turn 6:
    I charge my FSoD into his general's side. He does like 4 wounds to my unit and I can't get past his 2+ armor save. I don't remember who won combat but they held. I burning head through my unit and his general into his orcs, don't wound myself or his general but kill 1 orc causing them to take a panic test and they run. I throw my magic at them too knocking the unit down to around 11 units. Not bad considering he started with 30. Also the panic was nice because he would have been able to charge my guard unit.

    His turn 6 sees him challenging my FSoD and doing like 5 wounds to him. Poor little guy. I lose combat but hold.

    We scored it that I won by 440 points, but with that 3rd banner I forgot it should have been 540. Enough still for a minor victory. I had a skink unit of 10 with 5 guys on 2 quarters each, but instead of argueing since it was already 10pm I just called it only 1 quarter, but in hind site that would have gotten me a solid victory.

    All in all a very fun fight. Lots of weird rolls on both sides. I must have had insane courage 3 times that game too. The thing I learned is a temple guard unit with static combat res of +6 before fighting starts is 1 NASTY unit.
  12. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    Try and get some spells like Burning Head, Fiery Blast, Wind of Death and Molten Silver in there for a Spam Slann. Don't just restrict your spells to the D6 hits ones, anything that is cast on an 8 has a 58.33% chance of being cast with only one power dice from the pool. Also, having some spells which are a bit different from the standard D6 S4 hits like Creeping Death, The Hunter's Spear (both for Knights) and The Crows Feast (for low toughness and armour armies like elves) can widen your targeting options and flexibility.

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