Nicely done sir, thogh personaly I would be tempted to get a nice magic marker and add some irises to all of their eyes.
I've been bouncing back and forth between a volcanic ash look or some kind of sandy beach. I've been searching online trying to find little crustaceans, starfish, and shells to use on the bases.
Try getting a sheet of glass and some green stuff rolled out on it, you can then cut some starfish from that, fluff it up a bit with the tip of your scalpel for texture. When it dries tap the edge with the knife and it will slide off the glass and you won't ruin it For long spiral shells roll a string of green stuff out, gently tweak one end and twist it , you can then cut it to size! It will take a little practice but its fun to do.
I would consider washing the scales to get more definition into them and a subtle drybrush afterwards with yellow.