Title says it all. I tried to search for it on the forum, but it was no use. Have there been made any guides or can given any info on how to make tiles with a temple theme? I think it would be cool to have something like that and it's most likely quite a lot cheaper than buying them pre-made lol.
The simpleest thing to do is get some cerial box type cardboard, and draw tiles on it real rard with a balpoint pen or a pencil, this wil leave an impressin in the card that will show up after you glue it to the base and paint it. alternately, you could cot out pavers from the came carboard, and clue them individualy to the base, for a more ruined look.
Try look at my Thread.. Kai'tzatl.. The forgotten slann returns.. Should give you an idea for the temple bases.. everything except my unit filler is greenstuffed.. The bases are blank 25x25 bases when i started..
Thanks for the replies. Is greenstuff expensive? - I've never used it, but it sounds as an interesting idea since I suppose it's a flexible material.
Depends on the country i guess.. in denmark its like 10 Euros for a very good size.. i have used it for all my bases.. and a whole lot more.. and still have like 60% left from what i purchased Also depends what you use it for ofc Its like what you played with as a kid playpuddy or what ever the english name is for it.. just a little more sticky so use water on your fingers and whatever tool your using.. and then let it dry.. it becomes almost as hard as plastic
Haha Great.. Im guessing you know the Danish forum.. also.. else.. you can purchase Greenstuff at GW in copenhagen.. Aasgaard Games in jylland and lost of other places
I'll try Dragonslair since I currently live in Odense. I got some extra bases anyway I can try my luck on lol.
Thankfully for myself in Australia this local mob do fantastic resin bases http://www.back2base-ix.com/index.php I never make custom bases thanks to resin bases!