Not sure if this should be here or in the other armies painting log, but since it is Lizardmen related I figure I put it here. A year ago the Blood Bowl league I was in had an Endurance Cup Tourney. It revolved around 3 different arenas. One in the chaos dwarves lands, the Kremri dessert, and the Lustria Jungle. Since I been without a pitch and was planning to make one anyway. I had volunteered for the Lustria pitch as it was the only one that wasn't being worked on. Hindsight being 20/20, there are a few things I'd have done differently but over all I'm pleased: Endzones: Midfield: Turn Counters: Scoreboard: Dugouts and reroll counters (least pleased with these):
I love your scoreboard and center emblem. The Lustria in the end zones is great, too. I also worked on a pitch with a lot of similarities, but mine is quite a bit bulkier in a "mobile" box.
Very nice, more 'lush' then mine. I wanted mine that way but I was on a budget so had to go with what I had. Very nice
Aside from the box, I had all of some point early in my hobby career I binged on everything from Woodland Scenics, Michaels, Pet Store (flora), etc. Now I just need to take the time to use it all!