8th Ed. 1500 pt League Play

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by oteri, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. oteri
    Jungle Swarm

    oteri New Member

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    Ok, so I've probably written about a hundred lists so far, but this one I like the best. I'm absolutely brand new to tabletop war gaming, Lizardmen are my first army. A league will be starting in November in my area, and it will be starting at 1500 points. This is what I'd like to start fielding, and I was hoping to get some input on it.

    Mostly, what I'd really like to see is: How can I improve? Where are holes in my defenses?

    Oldblood w/17 Saurus, full command.
    6 wide, Oldblood will have Duelist Blades and Armour of Destiny.

    Saurus x18, full command, 6 wide

    Skin Cohort x10


    Ripperdactyl x3

    Ancient Stegadon

    Skink Priest, lvl 2, Dispel Scroll

    Skink Priest, lvl 2, Dispel Scroll


    Core- 495 pts
    Special- 280 pts
    Rare- 250 pts
    Characters- 475 pts

    If math serves me right, that puts me at 1500 on the nose.

    I'm not sure what to do with Skink priests, probably one can go into the cohort? I'm keeping them mostly for some buffs and scroll caddies.

    When my league bumps up the points, I fully intend on swapping out the oldblood for a tricked out slann and throwing in some TG, but other than that, kind of just looking for some advice and criticism. :)

    Thanks in advance for anything who takes the time to go over this.
  2. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Hi and welcome to the forum!

    The list overall is a different style to my own, but Im not sure how the 2 units of 18 saurus will go. My experience has usually been a unit of ~24 is good but then again, you are looking at 1500pts so they could be fine. Also, once you've learnt a bit you may find more experienced generals running rings around your slower infantry blocks with what are often referred to as "chaff units" these are small disposable units that the enemy will use to try and make you fight on their terms. Lizardmen are great at the "chaff war" with our use of expendable cohorts and skirmishers so you may find yourself wanting to invest in more units such as these.

    Other than that the only real problem with the list is you can't duplicate magic items, so you can only have 1 Dispel Scroll. This is easily fixed by swapping 1 for the lizardmen only 'cube of Darkness' item but that costs 30pts so you'll have to shave a few from somewhere for it.

    Again, welcome to the forum. We've got a pretty good group here so if there are ever any questions you need answered, don't be afraid to ask.
  3. oteri
    Jungle Swarm

    oteri New Member

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    Thanks, I really appreciate the quick reply, particularly from someone who has been around here for quite a while. If I merge the two Saurus units and leave it ~24 bodies, what would you recommend adding other than the cube? I've read a lot of mixed reviews on the Razordons. Would adding one or two of those possibly compliment what I've been considering, points pending?

    Thanks again for the help. :)
  4. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    If you're considering one or two razordons make it salamanders if you want a more competetive choice in those amounts. Damn i love the razordons - but 2 of them won't have enough punch, to make up for the fact that they have a random amount of shots. Skinks are a more certain bet than Razordons - another unit of 10 or 2 might do more than two razordons - so will two salamander's since their shooting is better.

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