8th Ed. Ideas for Saurus SC

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by Eldanash, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. Eldanash
    Jungle Swarm

    Eldanash New Member

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    So, got this idea of a a saurus special character -
    You take a saurus oldblood named, say, Lok-Gor, that has been around for thousands of years and seen hundreds of wars, and at some period he begins hearing voices of distant gods in his head that lead him and his armies to victory time after time. At some moment, the slaan understand that they are, in fact, the lod ones' voices and grant the saurus, since he is their herald, ancient weaponry, armor and a palanquin and now he sometimes joins lizardmen armies, if this is the will of the old ones. It is rough, but that's the best I can do, sorry.
    So - normal oldblood stats with LD 9 and the next special rules -
    Chosen of the old ones - at the beginning of your turn, roll a D6 to determine, who of the old ones guides him -
    1) Itzl - +1 attack
    2) Quetzl - +1 toughness
    3) Chotek - +1 Initiative
    4) Tzkatli - +1 strength
    5) Tlanxa - +1 weapon skill
    6) The old ones unite - all said effects are in play, however, Lok-Gor is unstable
    Said effect lasts until your next turn
    Palanquin - his palanquin grants him +2 wounds and +1 toughness as well as a +2 to his armor save armor save and a 4+ ward save.
    Voices of the old ones - the old ones teach him the arts of magic - during your magic phase, Lok-Gor gets D3 casting dice that only he is allowed to use, as per chanelling. he know 2 spells - fireball and regeneration and counts as a level 2 wizard. However, he is also stupid.
    sword of Tlanxa - +1 strength, ASF, every wound he makes is doubled (so, if he makes 3 wounds on a unit of clanrats, the opponent must remove 6 of them)
    Shield of Quetzl - shield, immune to KB, HKB, parry save 4+
    Herald of the old ones - all lizardmen units within 12'' are stubborn.

    I guess, thats it. Any ideas, what to fix and how many points he should cost?
  2. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    Some good ideas here, and some ideas that don't really fit in with the Lizardmen fluff at all. I'm not going to critique the design since your theme is very far off from what I see in LM theme. The character, as posted, would probably need to cost 580 pts.+ (yes, more than Malekith) to be somewhat balanced in game.
  3. Eldanash
    Jungle Swarm

    Eldanash New Member

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    Thanks for the opinion, what do you find un-fluffy? And how do you recommend making him cheaper? Maybe take away the casting ability and just make him stupid?
  4. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    I like your ideas here, especially the random blessings and that on a 6 he becomes unstable. This would induce a risk in running him solo. I would definitely take away the spell casting, maybe just give him the ability to channel like the Troglodon rider. And as a close second, I would remove the palanquin. What's the point of 4+ ward and 4+ parry? With those changes, I think he would still be a crazy killing machine, but not too much of a fruit basket of all flavours. Price range would be about 400, maybe?
  5. Eldanash
    Jungle Swarm

    Eldanash New Member

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    Yeah, that's pretty good, but it will make him rather vulnerable - 3 wounds with a 3+ save? Also thinking about some sort of honor guard and modeling possibilities. P.s. I was, actually, inspired by the idea of a saurus standing on a palanquin with a halberd raised to the sky and eyes flaming with blue fire (stupid phrase, but you get the point?) that would be rather epic, maybe the possibility to take a palanquin as a mount?
  6. CookieGuy

    CookieGuy New Member

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    I like the idea, but I think he has too much going on. I think you take away the magic and stupid. Make his save a 2+/5++ or a 3+/5++. Maybe some benefit for being in a unit of Saurus/Temple Guard, like stubborn or he goes from Ld8 to Ld9. Or maybe he gives a unit of Saurus Warriors frenzy as they are overcome with zeal in an effort to impress such a legendary fighter (but not TG, it'd be too powerful and they would have more presence of mind imo)

    I'm not sure about his weapon. I just had an idea for a halberd that gives him +1A and +1S in the first round of combat. Or maybe a halberd that gives him +2A. He takes the place of 2 front rank and 2 supporting attacks, so he should have enough attacks to make up for it.

    I think he should only be at 4 wounds total. 5 is just too much to me.

    I don't think you've mentioned it, but I don't like the idea of him having any sort of special rules for fighting in the second rank.

    This post was rushed. I hope it makes sense.

    I like cookies.
  7. Eldanash
    Jungle Swarm

    Eldanash New Member

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    I guess this will be the ending result - m4 ws6 bs3 st5 t5 w4 i3 a5 ld8 special rules - scaly skin(4+), immune to psychology, predatory fighter, cold-blooded, chosen of the old ones - the old ones themselves watch over him, granting him defense over harm, as he is destined for greater duties - 4+ ward save, blessings of the old ones - as said, however, replace the unstable rule with the stupidity rule, herald of the old ones - any lizardmen unit he joins becomes stubborn, Equipment - light armor, sword of Tlanxla - as said, remove +1 strength and ASF, in addition, once per game he can use it as a breath weapon at strength 4 with magical attacks special rule shield of Quetzl - shield, +2 to armor save, immune to KB and HKB as well as MW weapons - they cause only one wound. 350 points, can take mount - cold one 30pts. - carnosaur - 220pts. - palanquin - 230pts - +1 wound, +1 toughness, can be placed in chosen spawn by slaan rules. Chosen spawn - if your army includes the sacred lizard, you can take one unit of chosen spawn into the special slot, 15 points per model, saurus warriors with +1 ws and I, light armor, shield and hand weapon,hatred, can take twohand weapons or two hand weapons for +1 pt, can take mark of any old ones as described in the "blessings of the old ones" special rule, when joined by the sacred lizard, they gain frenzy, eternal hatred and immune to psychology. Now, all I have to think up is modeling.
  8. Eldanash
    Jungle Swarm

    Eldanash New Member

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    I guess this will be the ending result - m4 ws6 bs3 st5 t5 w4 i3 a5 ld8 special rules - scaly skin(4+), immune to psychology, predatory fighter, cold-blooded, chosen of the old ones - the old ones themselves watch over him, granting him defense over harm, as he is destined for greater duties - 4+ ward save, blessings of the old ones - as said, however, replace the unstable rule with the stupidity rule, herald of the old ones - any lizardmen unit he joins becomes stubborn, Equipment - light armor, sword of Tlanxla - as said, remove +1 strength and ASF, in addition, once per game he can use it as a breath weapon at strength 4 with magical attacks special rule shield of Quetzl - shield, +2 to armor save, immune to KB and HKB as well as MW weapons - they cause only one wound. 350 points, can take mount - cold one 30pts. - carnosaur - 220pts. - palanquin - 230pts - +1 wound, +1 toughness, can be placed in chosen spawn by slaan rules. Chosen spawn - if your army includes the sacred lizard, you can take one unit of chosen spawn into the special slot, 15 points per model, saurus warriors with +1 ws and I, light armor, shield and hand weapon,hatred, can take twohand weapons or two hand weapons for +1 pt, can take mark of any old ones as described in the "blessings of the old ones" special rule, when joined by the sacred lizard, they gain frenzy, eternal hatred and immune to psychology. Now, all I have to think up is modeling.
  9. Eldanash
    Jungle Swarm

    Eldanash New Member

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    Sorry for the repeating, bugs, you know?
  10. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Unfluffiness causing problems for your rules?

    Make your own plausible reason for a special rule by inventing an Old One!

    Oopzi - Guardian of the Polar Gates - Gift of Stupidity

    Klutzi - Old One Lord of Mishap - Reroll Sixes.

    I like your character. Let us know how he plays.

  11. Eldanash
    Jungle Swarm

    Eldanash New Member

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    I'll play him next Sunday if I make the model, and I'll post the result.

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