Hello people! Only just started playing lizardmen but I'm loving them so far (also play woc and ogres). Never played them before the new book but did start to collect them a month or so before it came out. Hope everyone is enjoying their new lizards as much as I am and I look forward to becoming an active member of this community. I'll probably be asking loads of basic questions to start with so bare with me! G Krox
My first question is how come when I post a new topic it gets approved almost straight away but if I post a reply to someone else's topic or my own for that matter it takes a lot longer? Some of my replies haven't shown up at all yet? Are replies moderated by a different admin than new topics? Also is this just something that will happen for a length of time or a certain number of posts because I'm a new member or does it happen to everyone? How long will it last for? I understand why it is done but it is a little annoying not having my replies go on when I type them as I don't want people on here to think I'm ignoring them after they've spent time replying to me. Edit: this one posted straight away without having to be approved so I guess the above is irrelative. Thanks.
I think once you get five posts (or maybe three or four) you don't have to worry about approval. Security is abnormally tight for a forum of this type because we had problems with a British kitchen furnisher spamming the crap out of us. Makes we want to bob my head and shake my tail angrily... Anyway, welcome to the forum, I am the keeper of the Tactica index and I love self promotion so check out the link in my signature. I haunt the whole Tactics forum a lot. The painting forum is great whether you want to ask specific questions, look at great works for inspiration or show off your models. A lesser known gem of Lustria is a our fluff subforum. It's all good, especially the work of Spawning of Bob. And if you can stomach very long stories, my own contributions are there to read in their epic glory. If you want to get an awesome custom avatar like mine, SoB and n810 will build you one here. n810 has made at least half the avatars you see from our posters.
Haha, knew i would get you talking my language soon enough scalanex! Welcome g Kroc, you will enjoy it here if you don't mind the madness
I've been working in your language into my pieces gradually. Especially my correspondences with Spawning of Bob via PM.