From the Steaming Jungles of Lustria

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Mordechai, Jul 8, 2008.

  1. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    Hello friends,

    I´m from Brazil, I´ve looked this Forum for far too long and decided to be a Lizardmen player.

    Here buying anything from GW is kind impossible so I´ve been buying in USA and UK stores, but players, we´ve a lot.

    Therefore I´m buying my first fantasy army, Lizardmen, I´ll begin to play Warhammer Fantasy with the Lizzies (I play WH40k for 6 years, with Black Templars and Witchhunters/Sisters of Battle), so I need a fast help of you guys, here follows the list that I´m going to buy in a few days:

    1 Slann Mage-Priest
    2 Skink Priest (they don´t have the one with feathered cloack)
    1 Lizardmen Battalion (24 saurus, 24 skinks and 8 Saurus on Cold ones)
    1 Skinks Regiment Box (24 skinks)
    3 Salamanders Huntting Packs (each has 1 salamanders adn 3 skinks handlers)

    That is it...

    I Like kroxs, but a I saw here, soon there will be new models, so I won´t buy them now.

    As I said, for us here in Brazil is a kind expensive hobby and difficult to buy it, so I don´t want to buy anything that will change in the next months.

    What is your opinion????

    Sorry for my bad english.

    Best Regards,
    Marcos ("Mordechai")
  2. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    If anything, I would be hesitant about the Saurus Cold One Riders. With the release of the new Dark Elf cold ones, it is likely that the SCOR will go through yet another revision. However, this shouldnt be much of an issue as far as price goes, as the Lizzie SCOR are already all plastic.

    As far as the rest of the list goes, I would say that you might be jumping the gun a bit. I would suggest investing in a Slann after getting the rest of your army. True, with a tooled up Slann you can field a rather small 2k army, but the real strength of a Lizzie list comes from the mixture of troops it does deploy. Unlike 40k, fantasy is won in the deployment and movement phases, so you cannot always rely upon a Slann to shoot its way out of trouble.

    As an aside, you may want to consider converting skink priests/chiefs from the standard plastic skink if you wish to save money. For example, prior to the release of the CoF model, I created a CoF simply by making a thin cloak of green stuff and salvaging feathers from the sprues (you will find boatloads of feathers on the extra standards on the Saurus sprue.)
  3. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    I thought that, I´ll only buy the Slann because i´d love the miniature, an as I said, here in Brazil is difficult to get miniature in a good price, so I´m buying a "package" in USA, and try to run some games and see what do I miss...

    The CoR, I can change because it comes in the battalion...

    I believe in the tatic leaving 24 skinks w/ scouts near the oponnent, the other 24 skinks with the 2 skink priest in front of the army, and all comes behind this skink....

    But, obviously, I´m open to some ideas,,

    Very Thanks,

  4. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Welcome to lustria online! :)
  5. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Well....your not going to want to run units of 24 skinks. Fruther, unlike 40k's infilatrate, Scouting is limited by LOS restrictions, meaning that it is highly unlikely that a unit of 24 skinks will be able to effectively scout.

    But anyhow, I would suggest Ebay, you would be suprised at the amount of discounted deals with international shipping that you can get your hands on.
  6. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    Well I think in putting 2 units of 12 skinks with the scout ability, and the other 24 skinks Ipll divide them in two units of twelve, each one with a Skink Priest in front of my army!

    About the store, I´buying with Neal, they give 20% off....
    The real problem is that any shipping price is about US$50.00 , but the REAL problem is that Brazil Tac Law, give me a 65% tax on the whole thing (including shipping price), therefore my Uncle who lives in North Carolina will make the buy and bring it to me next month, so I get US$4.00 for shipping and no Brazilian absurd Taxes.... That is why my next buy will be when my Uncle comes here again... heheheh....

    GW is came to Brazil last month, but again, with the Brazilian taxes, for example, the Battalion will be (with the proper conversion) about US$140.00 . It has almost doubled the GW US price!!!!

    After all, that is why I´m asking about "what to buy", because I don´t know the next time I´m buying things... And that is why that I´have to get the Slann... I love the miniature....

    Very Thanks for your help!!!!

    Again, sorry my bad english...

  7. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    What you got there has some playability but it is restricted to being a magic army, where lizardmen work best when you can mix it up, for in my opinion they are the most versitile armies. Also there are other game companies that sell stuff for one and FRP games however I don't know if that will help shipping costs at all. Another thing to consider is if you don't plan on playing tournaments any time then you can always get miniatures from different companies, Reaper Miniatures, Gamezone and some others have some cool mini's that you could use for your army. Though as I said you wouldn't be able to play them in warhammer tournaments, also if you are going to buy from companies other than games workshop, make sure they are at 28mm scale before you buy them so your guys aren't bigger or smaller than everyone elses.

    PS your english isn't that bad :)
  8. Mordechai
    Cold One

    Mordechai New Member

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    Very Thanks for your help!!!

    I´m a little worry about the miniatures, since GW came to Brazil about a two months ago, the first 40K tournament was made to "pop up" the things around here!!! Actualy I get second place in 40k tournament.

    Just to you have an idea, GW representat in Brazil has almost everything but just to you know a Battalion is about US$170.00, what is the double of the price.... Me and almost everyone buy it on Maesltron (because the free shipping), Neal Warstore and Sci-Fi.

    This army that I made is a "starter" army for me, since I´ve never played Fantasy... And I made it like this to have the things, obviosly my games will be around 1000... increasing by time...

    Well, my buying list is already closed and, my luck, a Parent will bring it to me... I´ll be playing with that for 6 months and preparing the list to the second buying for the end of the year......

    Give me help, temple guard is good?! Because I think they sucks because their points, i believe that a strategic use of saurus could substitute temple guard and have it a low cost point (compating to TG)...

    Skink with feathered cloack, worst it???

    How about those flying unit (i can´t remember the name) I read here that most people like it, but to me its seems useless, since they have a medium-high cost, and die the same way as a saurus or skink.... is is comparable to "terminators" ? Get 10 or get nothing ???

    Again, very thanks for your help...

    Marcos "Mordechai"

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