Really simple question, in your experience, how dip Cold One cavalry hold up in a game? Are they worth their points?
I've always found CoC to be an powerful force, it just depends on whetehr you want to spend the points. I tend to use a small unit of 5, and just ram them into the flanks.
I agree. They are the fastest unit we have that can hold their own in combat. Stick them on a flank with some skinks for support, they've pretty much never failed me*. I tend to run them in units of 5-7, sometimes with a musician. Worth their points...if you can put these guys to good use; they definetaly are. If you struggle to find good combats/targets. They are quite expensive. They are quite expensive either way, but have a loads of attacks. That should be able to do some damage now, wouldn't it? Also an excellent delivery system for a scar-vet/oldblood-of Doom! The Hunted *: Stupidity might be a pain sometimes!
Nah, not with cold blooded. Though you can guarantee the only time you'll fail is when you really need it Found them ok, but struggle against shooting. This is all from the old book of course. I think running a naked unit of 5 might be pretty tasty anti-chaff?
Mathhammer says a unit of cold ones will fail their stupid tes about once every other game IF they never get into combat, so if they are in combat say by turn 3-6 then it would be once every four games. All in all not realy something you need to wory about that much.
Thanks guys, been a big help, thinking about running either a unit of 8 on one flank or 2 units of 4 on either flank, which do you guys think would be the better choice?
You might find 8 to be too many for a single unit, depending on how you run them. I guess they should retain combat effectiveness for longer with 8.
I was planning on doing 7 w/ full command joined by a Scar-vet. (mainly because I like Scar-vets & the Battalion comes with 8 COR.) But this thread has convinced me to drop them down to 5 with only 1 command model (but which one?) but still running the Scar-vet. That gets me the points for Lv1 Beast Preist w/ D-scroll which could be very useful. My question is What 1 commend model is best: Standard or Musician?
I like the musician personally. Swift reforming is very good. The banner is indeed usefull in scenarios. But it also is a vulnerable banner, with few models that aren't invulnerable at all. At are looking to get into combat themselves. If you use 5 as a flanking unit, the musician would be my choice. The Hunted
Since Cole One Cavalry hasn't changed much since the last book, I'll toss in my experience with them. They do not last against things with high strength, like Rat Ogres and the like. Do your best to keep them away from other hammer units. If you do end up hitting something relatively tough like that, make sure they are supported somehow like with Ice Shard, a fellow Saurus unit, or Wild Form since we can run Beasts now. Our cavalry units are usually small so every wound you take will hurt its effectiveness severely. If you really want them to be your deathstar, try running them with a Stubborn Oldblood and/or a Scar-Vet BSB. The cowboy addition really pumps up their damage output and Stubborn means you can tackle those big hordes any day of the week. 5 by themselves do well against chaff and small units. They also work great for a supporting charge with Saurus. First upgrade used to be a Musician, but now since a Standard is the same cost I think I would rather take that. Champion is only necessary if you want a nice looking unit. Just do your best to keep them out of a grind and away from heavy hitters. 2+ armor save is nice but there are a lot of can-openers that can ignore T4 like it's not even there. As for spears... I'm not sure. 4 points a model is pretty steep. I could see 2 points for spears. 4 would be ok if it was for a lance or a halberd. And since we can take Beasts now it might not even be a concern to run them without spears. The benefit of spears is that they can likely wound whatever they hit on a 2+ for the first round of combat. Couple that in with Predatory Fighter and it might actually be worth it. But still, a unit of 5 guys with spears is the same as a unit of 5 with a Musician and a Standard. This is something I'm going to experiment with for sure. I still have 13 riders that aren't painted yet so I'm gonna be ripping arms off sometime this month. (You should look at the Spear vs Great Weapon costs for a Scar-Veteran. Makes the Spear upgrade for this unit look like a bad joke.)
Hmm, I did contemplate using them to smash low Toughness core units that are already tied up And I've learnt through experience with Silver Helms that light cavalry DOES NOT do well against Rat Ogres and similar But Wild Form could really cause them to be a substantial unit, +3 Attacks and Strength? YES PLEASE! And I am contemplating running a Scar-Vet Cowboy, but it depends on how the CoC runs on its own first I think maybe a unit of 10 in smaller games (5 wide 2 deep) or 2 units of 8 (4 wide 2 deep) in larger games I'll basically choose spears over hand weapons if they look better if I'm honest, although, spears with Wild Form could cause carnage on that first round of combat!
I had the luck to pick pup a box of these with one miscast - it was all squished up (and pretty disturbing) and I only noticed after building two. I managed to get a full swap for another box and got 2 cold ones and riders free. *edit I was very stupid and off-topic lol. But yes, (on topic now) these lads are amazing at punching through a flank. Only problem is, no room for a regadon or bastilodon now. Goddamn our insane amount of special choices!
Your thinking of another spell... Wildform gives 1+1 str and toughness, Savage beast of horros gives a single character +3 str, and + 3 attacks.
I'm thinking of trying out something like 8 CoR + Scar Vet(s?). I still find it silly that we have to suffer 4pts/spear just to get +1S on the turn we charge. Yay. IMO they should've went with 2pts/spear and 4pts/halbard (if they can be used by mounted units?). Anyway with that said I'm seriously thinking of giving them another chance despite not really having been succesful with them so far. A front row of 4 models will dish out a combined 16 S4 attacks (without spear). Add a Scar Vet and that'll be 22 attacks (with 4 of them potentially being S7). this can be followed by an additional 5 S4 attacks from the second row which will result in 27 attacks. IF none of them die before they get into combat. Obiously this is common knowledge, however, having recently learned in another thread on the board that Cold Ones should also benefit from Wyssans wildform each and everyone of those S4 attacks will now be S5. Maybe I'm alone in this, but while I do agree the spears a bit too expensive I also see the unit as having some good options to become quite a potent unit. - Spear is always good since these units _should_ get the charge. If one can spare the points. - Wyssans Wildform is awesome on any units. However, I don't think it's "wasted" on a unit of CoR because even without the Scar Vet they'll still throw as many attacks as 26 (6 wide) saurus with spear. At least IF we're talking about 8 CoR (price is almost equal). - BSB + armour piercing banner for more greatness. This will obviously ramp of total cost of the unit and mean that your BSB is now without magical items, but depending on your meta this could be very useful. Without anyone of these and "just" 5 CoR without a Scar Vet we're still looking at a 'decent' unit. Personally I think that CoR and Saurus warrios are in the same boat. Without buffs they're fine, with buffs they suddenly become killing machines. Point for point the CoR can follow a regular unit if saurus in terms of attacks. They just have a better movement, armour, WS (rider) and initiativ (lol). The problem is, however, that once people see the CoRs they'll aim all kinds of crap at them and unlike their infantry bethren they suffer much worse from loosing models. So yeah. I'll try them out for sure and see how it goes. I might be completely wrong and get beaten like a little gurl
I play against dark elves and vampire counts and have found units of 5 of them to be extremely useful. I have had them slaughter through a unit of 20 repeater Xbows with a mage, earning well more than their points home, and against VC they chew through units in no time. If you are low on banners you might consider taking one, but i think a musician is a must have so that you can quick reform when needed. 20 points for spears is really not THAT much, i would take it if i knew i were going against something were it would matter. I dont really think running cowboys with them since cowboys can do stuff on their own and so can COC, ofcourse there might be situations which require it, but i think always putting the vets inside COC is a bad idea.