Hi folks, I've been a Warhammer player since 1985 and while I've had Lizardmen models for most of those years, and have even played games using them, I've never really grabbed the Frog by the Legs and called them "My Army." I'm pretty sure that's about to change. The new book and the new models really appeal to me and seem like a welcome shift from Skaven, Tomb Kings, and Empire (my previous three main armies). One of the guys over at the TK forum turned me on to this site, so I thought I'd stop by and check it out. I'm looking forward to learning from the masters here and sharing experiences. See you around the forum! -Joe
Hey, great to have you on board, Sleb! I personally think that this forum shares many of the qualities of the Tomb Kings forum (including the some resurfacing negativity), so it should start to feel like home quite quickly. Really looking forward to hear your input!
Welcome Joe. I've found the new armybook to be great fun and it has a lot of nice little tricks to it once you get over the odd useless dinosaur and no longer having access to game-breaking disciplines.
Shameless Self Promotion Powers: Activate You can of course get all kind of insight on our new book from browsing the Tactica Index.