8th Ed. 2400 pts VS Empire

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Jorgta, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Jorgta

    Jorgta New Member

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    Hello, I just had my first match with the new book and I wanted to share it here.

    The lists:
    50 Halberdiers, FC, Arch-chancellor and Captain BSB
    8 Inner Circle Knights, FC and warrior pries
    2x5 Knights, Musician
    10 Crossbowmen
    5 Archers, Lvl 4 lightWizard
    2 Cannons
    2 Helblasters
    2 Enigneers

    30 saurus, spears, FC, Oldblood with Halberd and Stegadon helm
    40 skinks, Javelins
    2x10 skink skirmishers, blowpipes
    Ancient Steg with Engine of the gods
    Bastiladon with "Lazer"
    2 Skink chiefs on terradons, one with the egg and charmed shield the other with +1 to hit sword, dragonhelm and potion of strength
    2 Lvl1 skink priests with Lore of beasts, a dispel scroll and the cube of darkness.
    Slann with loremaster, +2 channel dice, Reservoir, BSB, Standard of discipline and channeling staff.

    Empire chose to deploy all the artillery on the hill to my right, protected by a unit 5 knights to the left and the Halberdier horde to the right. The crossbows went in front of the halberdier horde. The archers with the wizard was behind the artillery and the captasus and the other 5 Knight unit deployed to my far left. The Inner Circle Knights deployed in a central position.


    I deployed the Saurus centrally and to the left of a building in my deployment zone and the large Skink horde to the right of the same building. The stegadon, Bastiladon and both chiefs played hide-and-seek behind the building. One skirmisher skink unit went to the far left and the other were deployed in the center. The chameleon skinks scouted into the forest between the Saurus and the Crossbows

    Peek-a-boo! Notice how much the new Bastiladon resembles a Stegadon with a flashlight on top
    Jamie Searle and Scalenex like this.
  2. Jorgta

    Jorgta New Member

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    Turn 1:
    Empire got the first turn and moved the left knights forwards and the Captasus to right in fornt of the Halberdiers. (All directions are from my point of view). In the magic phase I channeled an extra dice and I let an Iceshard blizzard go through on the Chameleon skinks. I saved 1 dice to the next phase.
    In the shooting phase he shot my beloved chameleons who then panicked like little girls and ran back right in front of my Saurus! Luckily, a cannon misfired and died.

    Then it was my turn. The girly Chameleons rallied under the scrutiny of the All-seeing-Toad, and as a consequence made a nasty traffic jam in the centre! The Saurus, frustratingly, could only move a few inches forward. The left skinks moved into position in the forest and the central skirmisher skinks move forwards. The Steg, Bastiladon and Chief's on terradons all move out of their hiding places. The Skink horde on the right only moves forward 6" (While doing this I innocently exlaim: "Look, I'm not even marching or anything..." while whisteling).

    "Rawr! Get out of the way you pancies!"

    The Skink chiefs where joined into one unit so that missile fire would get -1 to hit, but I suppose that strictly isn't allowed.

    In the magic phase i manage to roll well and channel an extra dice, leaving me with +2 dice (1 from the reservoir ability). I use one dice on the "Lazer", which he lets through and I kill some crossbowmen. And to my great surprise he lets me cast a boosted Walk between worlds on my skink horde. Suddenly 40 angry skinks with an inferiority complex as massive as a Steg's bottom stands in front of his nasty artillery!

    "Laser powering up...whhmmm" I've got to have this on my proper Bastiladon as well!

    In the shooting phase I let it rain from the Skink horde on to the Helblaster and it dies. The left skink skirmishers fire upon the left Knights but cause no casualities.

    Turn 2:
    The Empire player charges the Skink Horde with his right unit of 5 knights, while the left 5 Knight unit charges my Skirmishers. I think they lost one to stand-and-shoot. Halberdier horde turns to face the Skink "problem" on the artillery hill, and he fiddles around with his Engineer alot
    In the magic phase he get's a irresitable force on chain lightning and kills some more Chameleon, some Saurus and a few Temple guard. The wizard takes a wound and a few archers dies. I save 1 dice for later.
    In the shooting phase he targets my "Illegal" Skink chief unit with his remaining Helblaster and manages to roll 2 misfires. He uses his Engineer to reroll the only die that actually made any shots and gets another misfire! Judging by his evil laugh I understand that this probably has some positive effect in addition to the Helblaster blowing up, and 30 shots later both my Chief's are blown out of the sky.

    "BOOM! That's what you get for breaking the rules, sucka!"

    In the Combat phase the Skink horde manages a standoff against the Knights and thanks to being stubborn in woods the left skirmishers also remain standing.

    In my turn 2 I'm finally able to move my Saurus up 8" with the Temple Guard on their right side. The Steg and Bastiladon are in front of the Temple Guard.
    In the magic phase I channel another giving me +2 dice again. I cast Tempest on the Halberdiers, but it scatters away. The Bastiladon manages to cause som wounds this turn as well, and I manage to press a Wyssans Wildform through on the Skink Horde. At the end I switch Tempest to Searing Doom while looking evily at the Captasus.
    In the Combat phase the "Angry Skinks" on the artillery hill makes the Knights sorry for mocking their spawning pool and wins the combat easily. The knights flees and the Skink Crashes into a very well placed (and also rather unlucky) Engineer.

    You silly English Knigghets

    The Left knights and the skirmisher skinks trade blows, but it's a standoff.
    Scalenex likes this.
  3. Jorgta

    Jorgta New Member

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    Turn 3
    The Halberdiers have had enough of little invading Skinks running around playing with their ball and making a ruckus and charges them in the flank. The few remaining crossbows laughs at the girly Chameleon skinks and charges as well. The Captaasus moves grimly forward, with grim purpose and even grimmer breath.
    I don't rememeber much of what happened in the magic phase but between him rolling poorly for winds, me always channeling at least 1 dice and still having Dispel Scroll and Cube of darkness, there wasn't going to happen much either.
    There's no shooting to speak of either.
    In the combat phase the Halberdiers owned the poor skinks of course, causing them to run of the table.

    "Get off mah lawn!"

    The Skirmisher skinks on the left still remained standing and had managed to reduce the knights down to two.

    In my turn 3 I moved thing around a bit and the central skirmishers lined a god shot on the captasus. It looked a lot like this when I was done:
    "Gee, I wonder what this wonderful new spell, Searing doom does?"
    I wanted to grab some points and moved towards the canned points unit in the form of the Inner Circle knights.

    In the Magic phase the toad delivered the goods and Seared some Doom into the Captasus, killing him muchly.
    In the combat phase the left Knights finally removes the last Skink.

    Turn 4:
    The IC Knights charges the Steg and the Halberdiers moves forward. The Left and right knights moves towards the center.
    The IC Knights flubs it against the Steg, breaks and flees. The Steg pursues but fails short.

    Brave, Brave Sir Robin, Brave Sir Robin...

    In my turn 4, the steg wants to play more with the funny tin-men and charges. The valient Knights soiles their armour and flees off the table with the 2-ton lizard on their tail. The saurus turns around to face multiple threats.

    Turn 5:
    The left Knights charges the toad, and the right knights and the halberdiers moves up further.
    "This Froggie is due for some dissection!

    The knights causes a wound and it's a stalemate.

    In my turn 5 I remember thinking that to charge the obscenly large and tough Halberdier horde with my Saurus would be very stupid. Then I did it anyway...
    Luckily I manage to get of Hand of Glory on the Saurus in the magic phase. Unluckily my toad looses three levels to the Irresistible force.
    The saurus looses to the Halberdiers, but thanks to the hand of glory they cause enough casualities to not break.

    Turn 5- OBS! The hand shown in this picture is NOT the Hand of Glory!

    Turn 6:
    In the last turn the Right Knights charges the temple guard and dies. The Saurus looses combat again, but remain standing.

    In my last turn the Temple guard charges the last left Knight and takes him out. The poor frog fails in casting Hand of glory and the Saurus looses and flees. Lucikily the Halberdiers fail to pursue.

    Silly me, forgot to write what the result was. I won but it was a narrow one. If he had caught my saurus in the final round he would have won instead.

    And that's it, hope you enjoyed reading. Please leave comments and critique if you want.
    Scalenex likes this.
  4. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Love it!

    Great write-up, with pictures, painted armies and silly humor! Also, an actual laser beam on your bastiladon :D

    That halberdier horde would have been a perfect target for tempest (then switch out for searing doom) and after that a fiery convocation. That would have made it a lot less scary.

    Otherwise, I think you did a good job on handling the empire. Especially their scary-artillery-hill! A nice switch to searing doom to instantly deal with the captasus was also sound.
    How did the IC break against the stegadon? That was quite unexpected...fine for your plan. Don't count on this happening every time though :p

    Also, kudos to your leftmost skirmishers for fighting the knights!

    Thanks for writing this up, and with a great result to boot!

    The Hunted
  5. Jorgta

    Jorgta New Member

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    Thank you so much Hunted, that makes me want to write up more reports.

    I actually tried to get a tempest off on the Halberdiers but it scattered away. The switching of the spells is really nice though, and I got premium value for the Searing Doom.

    I was lucky against the IC knights, they got rubber lances and Steggie did a very good job. The "plan" was for the Steg to stand on stubborn and get the Saurus into the flank. In retrospect I think it would have been a bit of gamble to trust the LD of the skinks though.

    I liked how the Slann worked now, I felt like I had a slight advantage in every magic phase whic was very nice. And the High Magic spells synergises so nicely with our units that it's scary. A boosted Hand of Glory on a big saurus unit turns them into real killers, and if you get a Wyssan's on top of that :D

    I liked the Bastiladon as well, but I was lucky to get the spell through on 1 dice so often as I did. I'm definatley going to convert the model to have the flashlight on it :)
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Between the clear pictures, funny jokes, excellent description, this is the best battle report I read using the new army book.

    I am also impressed with your tactics and luck. You managed to get a lot of great use out of the 40 Skink Cohort. Bravo
  7. Fool
    Jungle Swarm

    Fool New Member

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    Nice report. I relly enjoyed reading it.

    Did you feel your opponent got a bit unlucky with his war machines? Seems they didn't do much in this game, except for blowing them selves up and killingg your illegal "unit" of Skink Chiefs :)
  8. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    Awesome report, hope to see more if you get the time, still new to the game and it's great to see how LM works in differing scenarios. Did the +1 int from the bast ever make a differnce in your battle? I have only really been vsing Orcs so it does little, but I have awesome luck with stomps and using it to hold a flank so I'm a fan
  9. Jorgta

    Jorgta New Member

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    Thanks for the nice feedback.

    The skinks blocked the view for the cannons for the first few turns. But yeah, he was pretty unlucky with the few shots he got off.

    I've changed the list a bit after this game. I have reduced the Skink horde to 30, which will make the inevitable sacrifice cheaper but they will still be able to fire 20 poisened shots. I dropped the Temple Guard as well and added a 10 skink cohort as a cheaper bunker. I also dropped one Priest. For the extra points I added another Ancient Steg, also with sharpened horns. We'll see how it works out when I get my next game.
  10. lizardmen98

    lizardmen98 Member

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    Your bastiladon conversion gave me hope for humanity.

    I laughed a lot. And cried man tears.

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