Hey guys, I need some help coming up with a color scheme for my Cold Ones. I want to avoid the green color because I haven't done any unit so far with the standard GW colors. For reference, here are my Saurus: I suppose I could use the same as my Carnosaur, But I would rather keep him unique. Plus, my second Carnosaur down the line will have a different color scheme from him. So, any suggestions guys?
You have a lot of colour on your army so a dark colour would probably work well. Simplify the carno scheme by removing or reducing the red pattern for example.
@iron jaw: The problem with inverting the Carnosaur scheme is that is the same as the Saurus. That gas my first thought and tried it. Wasn't happy with the results. @anton: I do want something dark. By removing the red do you mean just go with grey and darker grey/black? @n810: Hmm...like a dark orange (clearly darker than my skinks) with black blue scales? I know I want to keep it dark/muted/earthy for the primary color. The scales could get a little bit of bright contrast...maybe I should take a look at the Fine Art Gallery to see if anything there could work. Any other ideas?
Kinda like this.... orange, with black scales (cooled lava) with bluish/dark grey highlight on the edges.
And between the scales you start with dark red on top and when you go down it becomes orange and then it becomes yellow when you are at the legs!?
Here's the scheme I went with for my Cold Ones: http://lacklustria.wordpress.com/2013/10/18/all-your-base-are-belong-to-us/. I think something similar (albeit darker) would look pretty good with the units you now have.
@MHK yeah, you and Qupakoco have similar Cold Ones. I was thinking a darker version might do the trick.
You could go for a different colour range for the cold ones because they are supossed to be cold. I think these schemes I found on google images could work on your army.
I really like the blue colour that you put on your shields. How about pale brown/grey cold ones with blue scales like that? Be a nice contrast to the red and black saurus and red bases.
Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I think I am going to go with a modified version of the Qupa/MHK design using my blue from the shields like Pizzasaurus mentioned. When they're done they'll be in the paint log. Thanks again for all the ideas!