Played in a tourney this weekend, had a good time. People from all walks of life were present. Some clean, some unclean. The Great Unclean one even made a showing! On top of all that, dice were being dropped every few minutes as generals got too excited with their dice rolling techniques. Yeah, I even dropped a couple. And I can't say the floor was particularly clean since we were in an Elementary School cafeteria... Do any of you guys wash your dice? Seems like something I should do...
Once you clean a die a significant portion of its personality will be washed away, and its average roll will go from 3.5 to 2.5. These "forsaken" die are ideal for taking leadership and characteristics test, but are usually banned in tournaments and such.
I once had a toddler (a friend's daughter) put my dice in her mouth, spit it on a dirty floor of the local gaming store, then repeat that for about 45 minutes. I didn't wash them then, I am not washing them now.... Helps to build up a strong immune response....
My usual form of washing, or more accurately cleansing, involves copious amounts of fire, dice don't handle heat well....