Fiction And the petals tasted like heaven.

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by VampTeddy, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    (I was totally considering a black font for this!)

    Aelric - part 1

    It felt like they had wandered here for ages. The pulsing jungle all around them, constantly moving, shifting to accommodate whatever new enemy it could come up with. Aelric had so far taken ill twice, and had one of his legs wounded to the point it had to be amputated. They had been here for two weeks, and he was one of the lucky ones.
    The teeming mass of the jungle ahead of them called them towards it, with lure of riches and prestige beyond imagining, but Aelric couldn't help thinking... They were fifty able bodied men when they started their march. Now they were thirty, and more than half lay ill with different manner of strange diseases. Some, Aelric knew from his own diseases, would end quickly. Others would slowly die, wither away and be no more, and those with the worst of luck would just start rotting They'd die quickly according to the doctors they'd brought, but Aelric had heard the screaming, the anguish coming from their tent at night, as the doctors got rid of the disease carriers, the smell of crisp pig emanating from their tent at the edge of camp. And yet for all the trouble they had so far gone through, rumors told that after the first couple of weeks, one would enter the deep jungles, and the few that had exited from here came bearing great treasure, got everlasting prestige, and told of malice and death. So far Aelric had been lucky, but he knew they'd only just started this great hike. A lot of jungle awaited them. Before him, Lustria teemed with the sounds of a thousand predators.
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  2. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    If I was Aelric, I would be putting in complaints about the tour company and the medical staff. Sometimes you can't believe the brochures.
  3. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Izbit - Part 1

    Below it the towering figure that was Mucograne wandered, lesser trees fell to the side as he crushed the undergrowth below. His tread ever warning the jungle beasts from coming near, as it rustled out through the nearby jungle.

    Izbit and Mucograne had been bonded ever since they spawned together, the pearly white Skink and equally pale Kroxigor was the only such spawning ever to occur. Even weirder was the fact that they hadn't spawned in an active temple city, not even an inactive one - but rather in the waters of Arzitane - a holy place, where a single Slann would sit for ages, unmoving on top of the giant leaves that fall on those waters. Lord Zlatconqua had sat there for a mere decade when he felt his enlightenment and to his surprise found the two newly spawned albinos wandering ashore. They had been brought to Pahuax, adorned with great treasure, and Izbit, feeling a pull from the jungle had started moving outwards again, only to be grabbed by Mucograne, who placed him on his head and wandered the exact way Izbit wanted to. Between the two there was no need for words, understanding was something they had been gifted with from their spawning.

    Mucograne had wandered for many Years carrying Izbit on his back, he didn't say much, just wandered to where the pull felt strongest. Izbit found no need to complain, he knew the Kroxigor were of few words, they came far in little time, and met few dangers with his giant steps leading them. Their relation was as if brothers, maybe even, as if they were one and the same.

    Right now the pull led them eastwards, towards the ocean...
  4. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    YAY a comment :D!

    i'm attempting to do something Fluffish, though i might end up drowning in my poor grammar.

    I just realized i haven't decided what race Aelric belongs to yet...
  5. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    I was wondering about race.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  6. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    I wouldn't worry about that Vamp, your succeeding without a direct discourse and with a more stream of consciousness slant to your story, keep at it.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Kanfli - part 1

    He had been up here for hours, but it felt like days, wonderful wonderful days. He had a hard time remembering the last time he felt the ground beneath his feet. Below him Argnarak, the third Ripperdactyl he'd ever flewn soared through the sky. His mouth filled with the fresh breeze of not only flying, but flying against the wind.
    Argnarak had never been one for hunting, always eating whatever beasts he could before they could get it home, sharing what Kanfli needed, then swallowing the rest, almost whole.

    Kanfli wondered why he'd been given this task, it was below him. He had been tasked with adorning Gar-un's hide before battle, and patrols had been behind him for an entire year now. He'd been retired from this, been raised in station, become so much more. But here he was, flying a new beast, he had known for only a few months, towards new places. Reining in an already hatched Ripperdactyl from an earlier master had been hard enough, now he was searching for "he who eats the petals". "Intruder" was all Gar-un had remarked - but then again, saurus were quiet fellas. Not saying much, not expecting much said to them besides orders.

    Here he was, Argnarak below him, the beast sniffing in the air as it noticed fresh prey in the jungles below, Kanfli reined the beast in - unruly animals should be treated with careful, but firm manner...
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  8. Ondjage

    Ondjage Member

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    Im rooting for Izbit so far.
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  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Good story so far. The installments are sadly a bit small hopefully that's just a part one thing so far. Aelric sounds elven to me, but I have different naming preferences than many others here do.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  10. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Aelric - part 2

    The harbor was stuffed with people, everywhere he looked someone tried selling something. This was a commercial harbor, that much was obvious, and this was where they'd finally set off, off towards a new world, a place of wondrous imagination and great sights. Wealth, glory, everything a man could ever dream off lay in the horizon. For now though Ulthuan was below his feet, probably the last friendly ground he'd step on for quite some time.
    Even with all of the people here it was a lesser port, he went around the different shops trying to find something he could bring along, preferably something to defend himself with, should the need arise, and finally he found it. It was a blade, beautiful but simple, it'd cost him everything he had left, well and some more, but he'd always had a way with people and would certainly be able to persuade the seller to cut the price off of something that might save another man's life...

    They left Ulthuan the next morning, he looked at the marvelous blade he'd bought and holstered it, the captain would have no weapons out during the trip. He had said so many times now that Aelric could repeat it in his sleep "Show yer weapon out ye scurvy dog an i'll shove me' weapon in". Aelric felt no particular need to die at the hands of a captain before he saw the coast of Lustria, and so he followed the rules, like everyone else. His old dagger had been given "Boot duty" in light of the recent changes to his armed situation.
    The sea was calm, as if almost welcoming them towards the shores. He'd heard terrible stories of wrathful mages cutting swathes of ships down with mighty storms, but it was all just tales it seemed, they were safe, and would be safe until arrival in Skull Port he thought to himself.
    The rest of the Crew was a motley one. Noone held anyone else in particular high regards, everyone ws here for the gold and glory. Aelric had a hard time geeting along with anyone really. Only the captain of the expedition a mr. Erenthon had been kind to him so far. Said the lass reminded him "of me when i was younger", all in all a polite man, who'd seen Ulthuan many times before. Aelric respected him highly - they'd play cards deep into the night. It's only because Aelric had won so many times he could afford the sword. He'd told Erenthon before they started playing that he needed a new weapon, and Erenthon himself had suggested they bet with real gold pieces, Aelric had an idea it was purposeful from Erenthons side that he'd lost so many times...

    The days at sea ended after a month. It had been a silent trip, Erenthon had said, the last few times he'd visited storms and weather was against them - Port Reavernow welcomed them and their ship - and they could say goodbye to their captain, and Aelric could finally show his blade to the world again.
    The expedition 50 man strong, replaced whatever supplies had been eaten at sea, held a large feast at the evening and the next morning Lustria awaited...

    Aelric awoke with a shock, he thought so much of the trip here, and how much he regretted it that it had become a staple dream - but there was no time to think of such things now, noises filled the camp, screaming, shouting so deafeningly loud. He went outside his tent and saw his expedition colleagues in the process of clinging up the two doctors they'd brought, a screaming man led them "They tried to burn me, they did, they took torches, tied me up, but i was smart was i, i held my breath, released got out! got outs me did!, i say we burn them too! burn them, is just a disease, just a disease, me'll be well soon enuff! haha!", his madness was obvious to Aelric, he recognized him almost immediately as the old helmsman, sounder man hadn't existed. The jungle and it's noises, it's illness had completely claimed him and that of the other members. Killing the doctors was madness, Aelric ran towards Erenthon's tent, and bumped into him on the way there, almost tripping over in the process, he gasped for air as he started openeing his mouth, but Erenthon was faster "get out of my way or help me kid, they're burning the doctors, without them we're chance less out here!", he pushed Aelric aside and ran towards the bonfire that now burned at the center of camp. The confused and startled Aelric suddenly got an idea, and started running the long way around camp, surely Erenthon would be able to confuse the rest of the expedition, maybe, just maybe he could release the doctors meanwhile.

    Erenthon spoke in a harsh, almost shouting voice to the men who gazed upon him as if suddenly meaning was returning to their lives after decades without, "what are you doing here, what is this, do you intend to die out here, to wither away in the jungles? are you all madmen?".
    His answer came a lot faster than he'd expecting, as a voice rumbled through the air, it could be sensed in the earth beneath them, in the heavens above them, in the air they breathed to survive, "Father nurgle helps his children, help them overcome obstacles. What need is there for medics, when you can just embrace the blessings you're given freely and become stronger for it? You can survive here for ages with my aid, survive so much longer, look at me, nothing but an old helmsman, but i'm fresh as ever! I can run again, sing again, dance again, i feel fresh as ever!", and indeed he looked the part, he seemed younger, happier, a great white smile across his lips.
    Erenthon knew what this was, he hadn't seen it before but he had been warned, he could see the look in the faces of the men, this was bad, they craved it, wanted it, the gifts promised so freely, only to accept the disease required, he saw it, and then he ran.
    "Haha, look at him go, embrace it i tell you, embrace it!", the young looking helmsman started changing his appearance, becoming more and more grotesque per the second, and suddenly the crew started following, they had embraced nurgle, now they were one with the rotfather.

    Aelric had seen it all from his hiding place, none had seen as he snuck out, nor when he cut free the doctors and returned towards the jungle, he made his way towards Erenthon's part of the camp, he knew Erenthon would return there sooner or later, and when he saw him run, the doctors and him started running as well.

    It was a revolting sight there was at the center of camp, as the crew members vomited their innards and started growing blisters and all manor of disease sprang to be on their persons. In a matter of minutes everyone in there had been reborn in a new revolting image, the helmsman being the worst. He'd sold his lot, and that of his earlier comrades to his new father, only for the chance to survive out here.

    Aelric finally reached Erenthon's tent at the edge of camp, just in time to see Erenthon reach for a map, a bag, and wahetver provision were in his tent before storming out the door. Erenthon noticed the doctors with Aelric and nodded for them to come along, as they snuck out into the forest.

    They were 30 when they'd started the trip - now they were 4, and they were followed.
    From behind them one could hear the most ominous of screams "You may cheat me of your flesh, of your flesh, but the doctors, the doctors they are mine! hatez them i does, hatez them!"

    I hope the structure isn't too confusing.
  11. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Anton - Part 1

    He'd seen them pass through here, at least one of them before, quite sure he'd seen the helmsman too, and several of the sailors. They were treasure seekers. They knew the dangers, or so they thought, they'd been lucky, all of them had been lucky. They didn't know what was out there, what dangers lurked. They were different this time though, there was a boy, mere 16 of years, or something along those lines, with a blade, clearly of elven make amongst them.
    Anton had never been one for people, he knew that himself, but the boy, none would wish upon a boy to die out here.

    He'd made his decision the moment he saw the boy at the inn back in Port Reaver, he had to follow them, and make sure the boy got out safe. He saw them as they forgot to boil the water they brought, he saw them as the mosquito nets were used, even though they had giant holes in them, and he saw how the helmsman feasted on the disease ridden dead that were left behind after each night they camped, how his skin changed, how his eyes bulbed out of their sockets and how he started rotting, slowly from day to day, revealing his hideous inside on his outsides. Nothing good could come of it, but he could hardly warn them, he didn't know how many of them had been struck now. He knew Nurgle, far too well actually, he'd been there himself once, a follower of the lord of rot, only rejecting at the very last chance. He only hoped he could save the boy when the inevitable confrontation came in the camp.
    The helmsman would strike when he had the most possible followers, he thought to himself, but maybe greed would would be able to start the rebellion sooner he thought.
    He revealed the Doctors burning of the dead to the expedition by opening the linen, so they could all see the horror inside, this would surely reveal those not of sane minds to the rest, those who didn't understand the necessity, sadly they had almost all been corrupted. At least he saved the boy, now to chasing them down, he was sure they'd ran west. but why would they do that? that was the route inlands, they should head back to the sea!
    The Nurgle followers knew it as well, and was headed west like bloodhounds on a trail - luckily they were easy to follow, and so by following the enemy, Anton should eventually reach the boy.
  12. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Izbit - part 2

    Mucograne slumbered nearby, the night lay heavy in Lustria and Izbit could hardly see his own hands in the darkness. They had been wandering south for very long now, he believed he'd seen the moon come and go more than a hundred times now, had to have been at least half a year. He didn't know what they were searching for, but he knew they were close, it couldn't be more than a day or two before they reached it... it, Izbit was finally aware of what it was, it was a priest, trapped here in the moving hells of a jungle intent on killing any warm bloods moving through. But he wasn't a warmblood, he was a toad... caught with... Izbit raised his nostrils into the air and breathed in, then slipped out his tongue, to taste the air... it was the taint of chaos he tasted, the priest had been tainted, yet Izbit was certain he was still of sane mind... he felt a great sense of urgency, and turned to wake mucograne. The great beast, however, already stood by the edge of the clearing in which they'd made camp and waited with a hand stretched out to lift Izbit up on his back, he knew, he always knew....

    The last trip through the jungles wasn't especially dangerous, and the first days of the last path went idle by - but on the last day, mere hours from the ruins Izbit heard something around them in the jungles surrounding them. He tasted the air, the stench of rot was all around his mouth. Daemons he thought, and not a second later the jungle became alive, and unaccountable numbers of little green rotting daemons burst from the trees, dripping poison from the teethed and gaping maws. Mucograne reacted in an instantaneous movement, his large hands ripping the beasts from the soil and throwing them back, far into the jungle, even more beasts protruded, as if the jungle was a huge maw from which burst the very essence of chaos.
    The sheer magnitude of the little beasts was enough to alter the reality around them and the forest grew rotten and sickly in it's smell and appearance. Rotten fruits fell from the trees and bushes fell in on themselves with dead leaves, only to burst out once more in full flora with flowers of the most rotten and contagious fruits somehow looking ever ripe and fresh for the taking.
    Izbit and Mucograne cared not, their goal was close, as mucograne plowed though Daemons below Izbit leaped high into the trees above them brought out a blowpipe and started peppering the little guys from above. The poison he used was special in many way, but amongst the most unique was the ability to harm even Nurgles rot. So they traveled forward, in great speed, Daemons high on their heels, or well in their heels one might say, battling for hours as they pummeled through the intense amounts of the small ones until they reached a great temple and the night closed around them. Mucograne at this point had been bitten several times, and a lesser Kroxigor would long be dead and Izbits energy was all but empty. They had reached their destinaion, so close! Izbit felt it all around him, this was the place it had to be, the Temple of the Smitten. Everywhere around them Darmons massed towards the temples, from the jungles all around them. They weren't here for the, but for the temple, it was obvious and yet, there seemed to be no reason. The temple was closed to all sides.
    Izbit ran towards the top, knowing Mucograne would not hold out much longer when he saw the symbol of Life carved into the pyramid, it was glowing, if only faint. instinctually he pressed the stone and the pyramid started to reveal an upper entrance from which floated out a Slann awake and ablaze in magical glory and in moments, it was all over.
    Izbit awoke in a dark room, above him his reptilian eyes could mark out a figure, his body was rotting, constantly replacing rotting skin with living skin, as in an eternal circle of life and death. The figure greeted him, in his own language even "Hello, little one... it is rare for one such as i to get visitors. If you will excuse my guards..." He flicked with his wrist and izbit could hear movement just around him, he had been so focused on the Slann that the Saurus all around him had been impossible for him to make out, they began wandering towards the edges of the chamber. "My name is, Nanahua, this is my home... your visit is not a trivial one, not a courtesy no... it has significance, importance. You are... Anathema!" Izbit looked confused to the hovering Slann in front of him and tried saying something but was interrupted. "you must go back north, and find a man. However weak he may seem you must help him. The forces of Daemons will try to prevent this, and i cannot summon you there as my powers are weak". Izbit looked at the constant state of repair and assumed that would be the reason. "go quickly now, your friend is fine, i have healed his wounds. Do not underestimate him, he seems to understand more what he is, than you understand what you are..." Nanahua grew silent, and one of the guards was pointed into Izbit's direction. His arms was ladden with a small blade, armor, and a shield. Without further explanation or force Izbit donned the equipment provided to him and left the room as the guards formed a passage and an exit opened in the far end.
    It was bright outside, morning had come and he recognized the shape of Mucograne, bent down on his knee, arm stretched to carry Izbit upon his back, but equipped with a rather large mace and having obviously been adorned with several great golden plaques in his scales....
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  13. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Oooh. Big things are afoot.

    Your awesome duo with their blessed arms and armour are going to be hard to stop.

    By the Old One's will, continue your tale!

    (btw, that ID is a fake)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  14. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    I should proof read more, i found 3 spelling and or obvious grammatical errors without even trying.

    (you're just jealous that you don't have a Genuine Spawning of Bob cold one license and avatar!)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  15. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    If it's a flame war you want, there are nasty things that can happen to plush toys.......
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  16. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Spelling errors in my OWN story :p

    or are you reffering to my license which is awesome and not at all fake?
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  17. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    If you are referring to spelling errors in MY story.....

    About a month ago, after the 14th time I wrote Taisteslaikch'ken, the spellchekka on MS word disabled itself with some lame excuse about how the entire world wide web would collapse if it had to put any more red underline in my story.

    Bill Gates you have failed me for the last time! (shakes fist)

    When Lustria-Online uploads the retina scanner, we will see whom is the authentic-est.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  18. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    Yours is so long. I'm saving it for a good weekend read :p and i'd never try to correct someone else on anything non obvious since i feel my spelling and grammar is so shabby :p

    Anywhoes! i should get back to the story instead :D!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  19. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I know it's been a while and you've been busy working on the 8th ed handbook and real life stuff but I hope you finish this story.

    If you want, I can help you with some spelling and grammar errors if you'd like. I can hear SoB laughing at me as he reads this, despite that we aren't even in the same hemisphere given how many of MY errors he's fixed. I can PM corrected versions to you, or I can use my new amazing new mod powers to edit your piece directly if you are okay with that.

    I think your "dark green Nurgle font is a bit hard to read on a black background. I'd suggest a different color. I like brown for Nurgle in my fluff pieces but that's a personal preference.

    I like your take on Nurgle especially. I always assumed Nurgle would be the weakest Chaos god. The Chaos gods are dependent on mortal followers. Tzeentch and Khorne offer mortals raw power. Slaanesh works with any and all temptation and Nurgle offers an affliction. I figured only the truly insane would willingly follow Nurgle, but you made it not just plausible, but frighteningly relatable.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  20. VampTeddy

    VampTeddy Active Member

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    I didn't assume it was being followed much :p

    I'll get back to it next i get a spout of inspiration!

    I always saw nurgle as a powerful entity as well as the others, and actually saw Tzeentch as the "weakest" with Slaneesh above, then nurgle, then Khorne.

    Nurgle is everywhere, rotten food, diseases (even a cold), and in the dark grim hybrid of medieval ages and fantasy gunpowder many people are bound to get ill every day, everywhere. Heck the ogres eat so much, and are so big, their gluttony is "nurglish" as well.

    I always saw Nurgle as a twisted god of nature and the harvest, as well as a god of disease and longevity, also i see him as a good natured chaos god (from his own point of view). Nurgle seeks to categorize all disease, see nature prosper, by defeating the weak and he feels the flesh is stronger than anything so to him the human form is weak, and needs improvement, that really is all he does, improves things!

    err... i mean, no chaos, that's mean and twisted and evil we should kill it! and burn it with fire!

    You can edit, but i'd like to know what you change.

    Mayhaps make a changelog in a post somewhere?

    I'll have to start a part 3 of something soon, or part 2 of anton's story, maybe make better chapter headings as the first thing! :D
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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