7th Ed. 1000 pt list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Juarez, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. Juarez
    Jungle Swarm

    Juarez New Member

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    I was thinking of using this list but i haven't bought the models yet. Constructive criticizm appreciated

    Scar- Vet, LA GW SH, Itzl+CO, Aura of Quetzl, Venom of the firefly frog

    SP, 2nd lvl, dispel scroll

    SP, dispel scroll

    10 skinks w pipes, scts
    10 skinks w pipes, scts
    10 skinks, javs

    4 terradons
    3 terradons
    3 krox

    Was contemplating swapping CO to make scar vet JSoD, but i cant think of what i would do with any spare points, or if thats a good idea since id be sending general on suicide missions (havent played witha JSoD yet, but ive heard good reviews on this forum).
  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The JSOD is a very good idea to swap, he can last and deal damage. I would say he is necessary in most if not all armies. I would also suggest maybe a few less terradons maybe lose 3 or 4, and use the points in calvalry or slamanders.
  3. El_Collyero

    El_Collyero New Member

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    30 Skinks sounds is a good number for 1000 points. A pair of Salamanders would be a nice pick up.
  4. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Ok, so lets compare the Scar Veteran on Cold One to the JSoD. The mounted Scar Veteran benefits from an increased survivability, which is gained by the +2 AS and Fear of the Cold One. However, he also suffers from:

    A limited Line of Sight (only 180 degrees)
    Stupidity (self explanatory)
    A larger flank (as a lone model means that skirmishers will be able to rank up more models)
    An increased points cost (factor in the spawning as well)
    One less option for a blessed spawning

    And, most importantly,
    when mounted a great weapon gives only a +1 strength bonus, meaning that the Scar Veteran can no longer bust those chariots, war altars, snotling pump-wagons, etc. with his pwning str 7. Nevermind that Empire Knights will benefit from a 4+ instead of a 5+ modified save.

    Beyond this, you need to think over your magic phase. Currently, you are investing a great deal of points in those 2 Skink Priests. Keep in mind that, just because you have 3 hero slots, doesn't necessitate that they must be filled. In your current build, you have 2 spellcasters, one level 1 and one level 2. In order to cast a spell with any likelihood of success your level 1 is going to have to use another dice from the 2 common power dice, meaning that your level 2 will have only 3 dice for the 2 spells that you have invested 35 points to have access to. Essentially, you have limited yourself, by taking that level 1, to casting 2 spells at the same efficiency that a single level 2 could achieve (as the level 2 can use both common power dice).

    Hence, you need either to invest in a diadem of power, a second power level, or drop the lvl 1 Skink Priest. Making room for either of the first two options would compromise the integrity of your list, so I would suggest simply dropping the skink priest. Your level 2 can carry both of the dispel scrolls, freeing you up 65 pts to invest in more troops.
  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    I was waiting for SohCahToa to reply to this post, and as always very solid advice.
  6. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    And you did so correctly! He gave you some nice pointers!

    I'm new but will try to cover the grounds.......

    When you look at the scar-vet. You wil have to have a goal with it.
    When you build a "classic nike-suarus" (move 9 GW, etc.) It is build for the hunt (warmachines, mages etc.)
    When you build one on a CO. It is build for the hunt as well--> character hunt. That's a different ballgame!
    imagen a build like this:
    LA, Sh,Piranha Blade, Bane Head, SSoSotek, SSoItzl and a Coldone. This dude gives you 5 str. 5 hits on the charge doubling wounds (or triple when striking the nominated foe)!

    I can only agree with SohCahToa about your magic phase.....
    Magic at 1K is not that killing! One lvl 2 priest with the diadem is more then enough to stop the more important spells. Yes i wrote stop not cast. Lore of heavens is not that offensive and it is better to save your die to dispel.....(this will give you 5 dd (with the diadem).

    Some other things about your list. Not to diss you, but just noting it, because these remarks fit my playing style more. Take from it what you need and dissmiss the rest...(maybe even diss it all :smug: )

    I see 3 units of 10 skinks..Just guys are GREAT for there points. 10 Is the magic number for scouts. More of those little guys just won't fit into a forest. 13 seems to be the magic numer for "normal skinks". They tend to panic real fast. When recieving 25% casualties. With a unit of 10 that makes 3, with a unit of 13 3 kills is not 25% so it's the lowest number were they will have to kill 4 to cause panic!

    I see 2 unit's of Terradons (excellent mage hunters, witch will give you even less need of extra priests and/or DD), at 1K i think 1 unit will be enough. (i do not play them within my 1K list)
    one unit of Kroxigors (those dudes smash face! Nice!!) and no Sallies. :jawdrop:
    Sallies Rock! Auto hit, str. 3 AP. On everage rolls you generate a: 4, 6 and a 4 that's 14 HITS, noe you just have to roll to wound. Wounding on 4's (50% --> 7 wounds) against T3 (Elven, Goblins, Humans, allotta deamons, etc.) Wounding on 5's T4 (orc's, you name it.....1/3 --> 4 wounds) You can even try T5 (or 6)
    These number are just to give you an example.......

    Just to sum it up.....Depending on what you want

    Another option is to wield 2 scar-vets. Both having SSoTepok granting you 2 extra dd. That's a total of 4. Just one less then with a priest but it will give you much more combat potential!

    Anyway...Good luck with your list and i hope i could help.....
  7. Juarez
    Jungle Swarm

    Juarez New Member

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    Re: 1000 pt list (update)

    Thanks all for your advice! I have updated the list taking into account some of the suggestions given. The major changes include swapping out the ssv on CO for Jaguar saurus, dropping the lvl 1 priest, taking away scouts from one unit of skinks, and swapping out a unit of terradons for 3 sallies:

    JSoD w/ GW LA Sh, Charm of Jag, Spawning of Sotek and Quetzl

    SP, 2nd lvl, Dispel Scrollx2

    10 Skinks, BP, scts
    10 Skinks, BP
    10 Skinks, Javenlins

    3 Kroxigors
    4 Terradons

    3 Salamandr Packs

    Total 997 pts

    Feel free to chime in with further advice!
  8. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    This list looks allot better!

    Maybe just a few points to consider.....
    The lvl 2 skink priest with 2 scrolls costs ya: 150 pts. If you make it lvl 1 with diadem and 2 scrolls. It will still cost ya 150 points, but you have access to 5 dd and 2 scrolls. instead of 3 dd and scrolls. (Most of the time just the 5 dd is enough to stop the crucial spells)

    I would drop the scrolls (at least 1) (maybe scout the SP, so it will be safe!) take that 25 or 50 pts to use elsewhere. Maybe you could even drop 1 terradon. 3 "Dons" is more then enough for mage/warmachine hunting. If you take that 35 pts as well, you could add another kroxigor. That unit will be smashing and can still take a beating...The leftover points you can spend to up your skinkies to the magic number 13....

    Good luck!

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