I was puzzled to find that the box of skinks I purchased was empty of any sort of banner or instrument. GW doesn't sell skink command groups do they? Any pro tips on how to convert them?
yep they re-released the old 5th edition metal command... You can make a decent command from some of the stegadon or cold one cav bits.
You might be able to find the old command group on eBay or something - I found one there for about $8, but it may have been the last . Anyway. For the musician, I bet you could use the bandoleers in the kit alongside the big skull drums from the cold one rider kit to create a drum slung over the shoulder. You could easily put a drum head on top of one of the hand weapons to create an implement. For the champion (patrol leader)... I think they still have one of those. The one with the raised crest, with a decoration clipped to the top of the crest? Just give him the big hand weapon and paint him appropriately. The standard bearer would be harder, but... brainstorming here... what about if you used one of the two-handed spears from the stegadon kit, clipped off the spear head, and put on some kind of lizardy ornament?
This was the thread that inspired him, so I figure I'd post my new BSB here! The banner is from the scaven clanrat kit with some added bits on there, I painted it as a WYSIWYG Jaguar Standard, regular, or scaven pelt depending on the situation.
Cold One Cav comes with small banners than slot into the saddle, they're the perfect Skink banners if you can get them to stick to their tiny hands!
For musician i used the arm from the COR and then took the temple guard drum it kinda sits on its base and it looks like my skink lifts but all in all it looks cool and i used the snake banner from the cav as well and put a small pebble on the front as a counterweight