Has anyone converted our current cold one cavalry using the Dark Elves cold one's? I am thinking of undertaking that task but want to know how and if someone has tried it and if it went pretty smoothly. Thanks for any info, pictures of your conversion!
I would love too and even look around for some cheap coldone models but didn't have much luck. Hot damn they look so much better eh?
If u check the "lava lizard" thread ull see how i used a dark elf cold one and a cold one rider saddle. Ican't provide a link though because im on my phone.
Here's the link to the Lava Lizards: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/lava-lizardmen-updated-13-09-2014.11875/
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/the-venom-legion-of-quetza-temple-guard-are-up.11610/ This is my own Plog, and if you scroll down a little on the first page, you can see my own cold one rider unit, converted with dark elf cold ones. Its really quite an easy conversion to do.
Cool! thanks guys, great conversions! Seeing them gives me hope that I can make something at least presentable.