8th Ed. anyone else wanting to stop playing lizards ?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by jg0124, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. olderplayer
    Chameleon Skink

    olderplayer New Member

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    It really does not cost that much to tighten the rules on the front end and more aggressively errata/amend/FAQ on the back end., and do a lot better with customer relations. The IP is too easliy gotten around, as others are demonstrating. The real problem seems to be lack of control/oversight and direction over the design team and their narrow perspective of the gaming community. The business model may work in the UK but it is a massive mistake in the biggest potenitial markets in North America. How many new players are lost quickly because they come to realize that the game is too expensive to play and not scalable down to the warband game and the rules are not balanced and often not well written.

    That strategy is a lazy one. It also almost guarantee what is happening, GW is losing market share. Also, in our area and other areas, there are now only "one man" stores after they closed the large mall store and laid everyone off and they don't do enough to bring in and attact customers in small strip centers and have little proactive marketing otherwise. It would be one thing if GW products were in the boy toy stores and such, like we see with MtG. Ultimately, GW needs to reinvigorate its FLGS relationships and promote them after burning a lot of them over the past ten years.

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