Have some ideas for the site? Something not working properly? Got a general feedback comment? This forum is the place to do it! :)
Hi mate, welcome to the site! :)
Hi Binz, welcome to the site :) JSoD is short for 'jaguar saurus of doom'. There are many different setups and builds (hence this thread) but the...
FB = Fantasy Battle :)
I really like the first list. You have a good combat general with a ward, and a priest who can give you a decent magic phase. Lots of shooting...
Welcome, good to have you on board :) What instrument do you play?
7 years trumps me! Good to have you on board :)
Hey everyone, I'm Stonehambey I've been active on a few hobby boards for a few years now, primarily LO which I used to be a supervisor for. I...
That's pretty cool, warhammer in the dark! How about...pirate lizardmen?? [attach]
I've actually seen a lot of people stick a jaguar charm on an oldblood, especially in MSU lists or quick lists without (m)any saurus. Personally...
Aye, the shield can be lost if I really want to fit a couple of points in somewhere else
Here are some good tactics I have found to be useful against dwarfs. Rule of burning iron + bane head = dead BSB. If the dwarf player is smart,...
An age old debate, what are the best tactics for the Slann? Some people like to make him a magic missile machine gun, others prefer to fire off...
This is almost exactly the same way I paint my lizards, except mine have red eyes! :bored: Good work :)
For the moment I'm thinking FB, as it's what I'm most familiar with. It won't be too constrained by existing FB rpg protocol though, so you can go...
You can make up anything you want :) I'm not sure I like the blue all that much, I have always thought of them as green myself. Although I...
I don't like to spend too much on my JSoD as he's usually going to be operating without the support of the rest of the army. For this reason he...
tEh foxEh!! :D
Welcome to the Lustria-online forums, glad you found your way here :) Let me know if you have any ideas or any problems with anything Ciao Sammy
<-- How does this look?