I used to take 6 jungle swarms in every list of 2k and above, and they NEVER let me down. Unfortunately in 7th ed they got a bit nerfed and now...
Also, if you flee through an enemy unit of US 5 or more then you are destroyed, so you could position your skinks for that as well. So many uses! :D
Sounds like a solid choice. Also I would consider combining the two units of 3 terradons into a unit of 6
The uses of skinks are indeed numerous, thanks for the roundup. I use most of them apart from number three. I think I might try and use that one a...
I actually find 6 CoR to be the optimal number, packs a bit more punch than 5 and also can take a wound without having it's effectiveness reduced...
As it stands the list is illegal as you have 5 character choices (Kroq-gar takes up a lord and a hero)
You'll rarely see an army without skinks. You won't go wrong by grabbing a box of those
I hail from the UK :)
Welcome to Lustria Online! :)
Welcome to the site, hope you can find plenty of tips here :)
Lookin' good. I bet they would look awesome ranked up :meh:
Welcome to the site mate :)
I don't play BB myself, but those screen shots look ace
Welcome to lustria online! :)
Yeah the screenshots look sick, although I've never been much of a DoW fan myself. I suck at RTS :P
But you do have the diadem and +1 to dispel and 4 terradons (great mage hunters) and drain magic. On the face of it you might not look...
Heh, I would suggest making the krox 4 big and FC on the guard and getting rid of the unit of 10. 4 Krox can take rank and file units head on, 3...
Krox has some good points, the only thing I don't really agree with is upgrading the priest to level 2. I think he's good as he is: a scroll...
They are both looking fantastic, thanks for sharing. I notice the yellow scales, is he a tlazcotl? :) Also, if you could highlight the shield...