p. 46 Free Manoeuvres
Ofcours I can't know how the battlefields gona look like, but he really like mounted fighting characters, giving them mark of tzeentzh and...
Indeed! I think I will try cold ones in my next match against Chaos Warriors. Did have a go vs Dark Elves, but those stupid creatures forgot what...
Hmmm, yeah that might work. Thanx :)
I know! I'm saving to buy the spearhead!
In the Rulebooks section for magic, it says: You got ONE attempt to to dispel. It also says "Some magic items may allow a wizard a second dispel...
I has heard the same... Personally I think it's a move in the right direction. Really don't think of a Saurus as something that under any...
Do you paint the parts before assemblig the model?
I', not big on painting and cant give you your best adwises, but I bought the "How to paint miniatures" bokk the other day and there you'll find...
Ok, thanx Kraken. I point that out next time I get boxed in the flank ;)
Ok, long story short: I often fight a friend of mine who resently tend to go big on chaos fighting warriors, and as you probably know, the are...
That sounds like a good combo, given their stupidity.. I plan on giving my Cavalry unit a second chance in a 3000 pts match next weekend against...
Also, if they come at a lower cost I would consider them as a alternative for my saurus wariors. Espessialy when faceing chaos warriors. they have...
But for deployment: Can I be sure of not having 10 Waywatchers popping up behind my lines in my deployment zone when there is no terrain there?...
Im watch in envy.. Wish my models was as good... How long have you been painting? Any magic tricks up your sleeve you could share with other cold...
This is what I make of the rules, correct me if I'm wrong: I charge with a unit containing my champ into a exhaulted champ of khorn and I will be...
Can my scar vet in his unit of saurus cavalery choose to fight an enemy character in a chaos knight unit without having to challenge him? Chaos...
Wow, you got some awesome figures and some of really good paintjobs! Could you share some tricks on the paint-side? What do you consider most...
Re: Started Painting Today! Congrat on your promotion asrodrig! I painted my terradons(the old version) using Knarloc Green, Goblin Green and...
Where is these rules?! Pleas share! I only play the official rules, and they say: Skink Characters may take Sotek or Mark of Old Ones only. Skinks...