you know, against undead i say ofc EoTG (includes all steggie types and a priest and chief!) I would also say Plaque of dominion!! whoho, I had...
actually I think it's vice versa, and the temple guard have to join the slann... Might be thing popping up thou, cause I'm really tired.
The slann deploys after the TG when all other chars deploy.
yes empire have a sword called dragon slayer or something. but, if Dark elfs also only got one sword with this effect it's no worries. I'm also...
donkeyhotep, you shouldn't get in combat with non-combatants, your doing something wrong. Me like 7th: magic items Saurus heros Saurus...
a normal dragon beast thing should have a Ld of 5. most beasts have Ld5. so the blade of ultimate doom or the frog of ultimate doom, your choice.
Hello people. So as the title suggests I wonder about dark elfs, talked with a guy at my gaming group who was starting an army of (guess what)...
I think that if anyone got an ability to nullifie a magic weapons magic stuff (obsidian armor anyone?) our weapon becomes a mundane weapon. And...
do you mean the little thing that the feet are attached to? It happens with metal models to, and I just trim the thing till it fits. I trim the...
found out that if you have a magic standard bearer in your TG/slann unit, you could have both, hence giving you 3 combat rez, and re-roll failed...
you had a good read you say? you read that a skink chief may take a stgadon/ancient stegadon as mount, giving him either a 3+ or 2+ save and 4...
hmm, while I thought on it, i remembered my WE book, but i "sadly" only was stupidity no matter what arrow of skaven/undead doom. sorry to disturb.
you know, there do exist things that make you do a panic test no matter what. ;)
actually they form a unit if the steg drops dead. ;) Or my epic power of reading things wrong and see imaginary texts has shown itself again!...
you know, champions don't have any access to magic weapons. ;)
yup that's what i meant, a little sluggish with quick head maths.
look at the same page where they explain how kroxies in skink units work, there is your clarification. ;)
nurgliche isn't normally T6 usually only T5("usually) but with eye of the gods that grants +1T they get T6, and that's ONE dice roll every turn!...
the modifier it apply is that if your opponent hits you with S10 you still get a 4+ save if you got -1 Sv. ;)