if you have ogre bulls use 3 of them for your DoW unit i think they would give you the best outcome for 100 points
just thinking that in the rule book it says that stubborn is on unmodified leadership test so does that mean no cold blood roles or am i missing...
if i remember right on the rules to the ring the wizard casting the spell has to be within 12 in of the bearer so just keep your casters back from...
dragons are too aren't they
well to get back on topic i usually only play 2k games but with that in mind i like to give my slann 2 diciplines focus of mystery and focused...
no scrolls and power stones are excptions i don't have my rule book in front of me but i'm all but positive that you can have multiple of each on...
i think the point is to have the flanker hit right at the front of the unit at the corner where they have to choose between attacking the skink or...
i would take 2 more saurus and run them 6x3 then 3 terries and give the slann a war banner to round out your force
i would also recomend chaniging your skink champs to standard bearers you will get more use out of the units that way in my exp. you might also...
you don't have to bring Tiktaq'to in his special way you can place him like normal it is just an option i would personally almost never use him...
what about units that have to charge (frenzy) do they measure first or do you have a failed charge result if it is close
yeah razors are good for stuff with high toughness and no armour (giants/ogres), but other than that i like the sallies for their overall better...
if you have 2 slann and one unit of temple guard can/do they both go in the one unit the rules are kind of fuzzy in the book i could see good and...
yeah but only in 3k games since that is the only way your going to get 2 slann
first time you pass a test with it bye bye amulet it basically gives you and extra wound as long as you don't roll an obscene amount of one's
don't forget that if you outnumber and cause fear they autobreak which makes me think skinks with 1 kroxigar might not be such a bad a bad...
but like i said cloak of feathers and steed of shadows is a potential 40 in. movement or two 20 in. movements on different characters either way...
since the bow does d3 wounds X2 possible 6 wounds in 1 shot i think that is all he has so is a good tactic hit on 2+ wound on 4 or 5 (can't...
lore of metal sniping GENIUS i approve of your devious ways
was just thinking of armies i'd just love to face and started going to extremes like a skaven slave army or stuff of that nature was wondering if...