We should make a whats your favorite dish topic
Re: Aranigej's Painted Minis Heh no problemo by the way you can buy an object that can be placed on a base... trying to find it
Ok :D just me then T.T
Re: Aranigej's Painted Minis Found this in a Danish hobby chain called Dragons Lair, it's pretty awesome for both, warhammers, D&D and other...
Found the Page XX one but also at the very end of the book theres 2 pictures, the lower 1 says An army of saurus warriors arrayed for war, don't...
Bretonnia and Empire... looks all the same to me... except Bretonnia looks like wild men (because of their fancy colour choice) and Empire a...
Ok I was just wondering since the Stegadon itself is consindered a monster but maybe the howda itself was large enough to count as warmachine
Reading the rule book, so far so good managed to reach to shooting in an evening but the thing I've wondering about is the stegadon. Do you...
Re: Aranigej's painting skills (or lack of) what about mixing some small stones with a little amount of grass? I will find a picture where I've...
Re: Aranigej's painting skills (or lack of) Wouldn't call it lack of :P Yet I hunger for more pictures.... aka. FREAKING AWESOME!?
AHHHHHHHHHHHH! why didn't you just say so.... yet uploading pictures to my webpage is a lot faster :P
[attach] If it's to small I can enlarge it
Heh yeah ofc... btw doesn't have anything to do with this but i finally got a copy of the 7th rule book and the right (the new ) lizardmen army...
I had this brilliant idea of having a member map that shows where everybody lives... could be fun
My favorite is YumYum from Thailand..... With 2 eggs! (with a big bowl that ill work), soy sauce and a hint of chili (theres both chili and spices...
Even more confused now, is there something wrong with this topic or my webpage?
Seems weird that an ancient lauguage should chance from 1 day 2 another :P
might be a stupid question but why did you call it I totally love noodles Ps. so do i :D
Sounds confusing :P
you mean my webpage?