that looks like 5 riders + standard and mus to me
maybe because 'lots of gore' sounds right too.
I'll have you know it's a 89.35% chance of passing. Been doing some mathcraft to write up a big article on magic so I just looked up the 3 dice...
From play reports and lists most people here, especially the more experienced (I am not but as I plan to base by army around a slann and am...
If you don't mind me asking what was the rest of your list? It sounds very fun.
Claiming that scar vets on cold ones are stubborn is just a dumb choice (unless your army is centred around the horn which is rare indeed, though...
I probably wouldn't run him solo, so the only time he'd really be vulnerable would be if he leapt out, which i'd only do in the case of a chariot....
wonderfully dramatic posing on the krox, really great
What a massive loser, unlucky coming up with an opponent like that man. :(
Slann - BSB, Rumination, Mystery, Becalming, Higher State, Unfathomable, Bane Head, Power Stone -535 Priest - lvl 2, EotG -390 Priest - lvl 2,...
Good for you, I play the same with my WoC opponent. It's all in the spirit of the game, not the pewpewpew
yeah they are. Go read the armybook, it says both on the stegadon page and the army list pages in the back. The book tells you that they're...
Re: Dumbledore's first army - 1k I totally agree though sadly I just don't have the models or money. As the spirit of the game will be friendly...
1k starter army to be played against my friend's 1k WoC starter army, both without magic yet. Scar Veteran General - 160 Light Armour, Cold One...
I have only just started Lizardmen really and though my army is aiming towards a 2-3k force centred around a Slann I currently only have about 1k...
Umm I don't think the maiming shield attack gets the chotec advantage as it "confers +1 attack to the bearer. This additional attack is worked out...
Bane head is really not worth it on a skink priest as heavens magic can't really be used to snipe realiably. Best used on a slann with something...
Frankly I'd talk to the others suggest everyone tells him to either chill out or stop playing with you guys. As a postscript i started DE in 6th...