they used to be the best LM unit in the book in 6th ed, but 7th nerfed swarms and I didn't play them after that
If you think about it, I guess most things in the WH world should cause fear, wouldn't translate well to the game though
I have absolutely no problem with this whatsoever, AS LONG AS YOU ASK FIRST, as per forum rules which can be found at the top of every forum closed
I used to love getting my TG into combat, with a good static CR and good number of high strength attacks I found they could really cause some...
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Nice one strewart, thanks. That reminded me about something I've been meaning to do for a while. Both linkeh tags now open in a new tab when you...
They were in 16 when I started playing LM in 6th, then it was only 4 models to make a rank so maybe that has something to do with it. I don't...
Great stuff, thanks for posting! :) Where did you get those model sprites from?
thanks for sharing - and happy birthday! :)
I made strwart a site admin since he puts a lot of time and effort into the site Grats dude :)
Less of this
This is what we made on Librarium Online...
Sounds like a good idea, maybe we could collaboratively write a LM tactica which would be unique to this site, a community effort. It is hard...
from 6th to 7th they truly went from hero to zero (I used to take 6 bases in 2k pts!) :walkingdead:
welcome, hope you enjoy the site :)
welcome to the site dude
if that's the environment he plays in so be it, let's help him with it rather than just say if we don't think it's balanced or whatever :D
I used to run a 600 pt slann, but that was in the last book. Don't know how much he'd cost now, but he'd probably be in the 4-500 pt area
great stuff, thanks for sharing! :)
If you can find some then I'll add them! :) :beaver: