Yeah, i really want one, and i've been looking to bey myslef a Broodlord latly, its the solution to so many problems (my friend, thinking its all...
Don't ya think you'll need the mirror shield? Probably not when there's over 50 though...
Oh yeah.... forgot about that :oops: So, have you tested the list yet?
Why you ask? WHY? It's kill or be killed and there was asubtle hint that a lurker did it. THAT'S WHY! Now pull yourself togeather man.
Well, in the name of Kroxigor01 im going to keep killing lurkers! Vote: Gexmofia.
Oh yeah, sorry, 3K. Just got a message from him, and we've decided to do not COMPLETE cheese (so no Steg, EoTG/Slann spam) but just cheese (like...
Damn, that is tonnes, too bad, i guess i'll have to wait another 10 years for its 30th anniversary >_<.
Will do. Hey would 2 Slann and 4 EoTGs be over doing it? I think it would be but its the cheesyest thing i can think of (or 1 Slann and 5 EoTG or...
How much is it? Oh and i first saw the due to owlandmoonguy's blog on bolterandchainsword, he was wrapped with them, being a BA player and all.
It also has magical energy crakling from it... you can trail it by the Slaan's own energy-crackle. I'd prefer to see the Coatl have rules...
I am totally with you, i love those 'nid models, and those termies are... well... the best i've seen. I was also wanting to use that Librarian as...
Ok, theres the deal, my friend and i want to da a proxy-cheese battle, just so we witness the sheer... cheese of 2 armies trying to out cheese one...
Actually, its basically judt Archon with incubi, and as many raider squads as points allow. Or maybne Ravagers for an anrmy wide pinning.
Wow, really good Cold Ones, and fantastic blending (i think that flamers painted by you would look awesome.) Im curious, was that your first...
My DE playing friend will be happy to hear that, ATM they're re-doing all the Space Marine codexes (im so sick of space maries, anyone else?...
Its from back in 4th ed.
Areyou saying im stern and mysterious?
Ah good, i actually think we're rather alike. (in some ways)
I'd disagree on the diadem's usefullness. They=win with me, they're so useful for stunting the enemy during his phase, also they're a real...
I second this, why pay 12 points for +1 attack when for the same price you can get a whole nother saurus? Even if it makes a unit of say, 19 then...