Welcome! Enjoy your visits!
Your work never ceases to amaze me. I'm at a loss for words.
You are an amazing person, Wappellious. Your models are exquisite.
Here's a 1,000 pt. list I cooked up just for fun with flying stuff... Characters: Skink Chief General, Terradon, Staff of Lost Sun, Bane Head,...
You just gave me a great idea, cast wall of fire on an enemy unit you want to charge next turn. Then the unit must either stay where it is and get...
Haha, I like that touch. An interesting unit, sounds like fun, although slightly complicated.
Skaven will always be cheesy. They're RATS! :D Get it? They eat cheese fo' breakfast!
Or you could have another whole salamander... for fewer points... :rolleyes:
What a racist! :D I am just a dignified noble not wealthy enough to make my voyage on a more civilized vessel. I simply want to reach land....
I go by the same principle, just didn't have a name for it before! :P
*Yawn* Where'd the music go...?
I very much like the white crests on the saurus, I have always hated the saurus with red crests that GW paints.
Hmm... The first time I ever used saurus, my unit of 18 with HWs destroyed a giant in a single turn... :meh:
| swarm army | 10 man boxes = uber monetary deficit
Wow. I was blown away by this post. That's some of the best advice I have seen. I never thought about using stegadons as a points denial method,...
He's there still, just under "collectors" models section, not lords. But I think his link is broken though.
The skink priest has Ld. 6 so he actually isn't allowed to be general, either scarvet (ld. 8) or chief (ld.7+1) has to be. If you add an extra...
That is a sweet plaque on his staff!
I think 4 terradons is unnecessary for 500, how about just 3... Then you can either add a few saurus or give your scarvet some equipment. PS I...
You just can't handle the fact that I'm a born comedian. :meh: