I'm not sure how I feel about the stegadon in the temple guard unit. Mazmundi should be thought of as a stegadon with a really cool character on...
Well, since I've got nothing to work with I'll just post the list I'll be putting together soon. It'll be good to get some critiques on my list....
At first this seems like a very unfair rule with no logical reasoning behind it. But I think we're missing the point. I think GW phrased the...
Best of luck to you! Let us know how your battles go.
Stegs can only be EotG or blow pipes
Chiefs are very fragile. The stegadon is probably the best option, everything else it just too much of a risk for the points you're putting into...
If you're putting the scar vet with the temple guard, you're sitting at a 16 man unit. I say drop a TG and go 5x3. It'll save you some points....
If you can't get a EotG, a warspear toting stegadon will work. I mean, no unit wants 2D6+1 strength 6 hits in its flank. Those are magical...
If you play a lot of skaven, get Tenehuini for sure. He gives all your skinks hatred towards them... plus he's lore of beasts which would be...
I don't have a rule book with giants in it to quote page numbers from but, as far as I know, nothing is immune to poison unless it specifically...
Yeah, Krok-gar will give you some versatility on Lord choices and you could play a 3000 pt game eventually with him and the Slann. You definitely...
5 cold one riders can be really effective if you hit someone in the flank, especially if you have hit them in the front with saurus. If you don't...
Lots of skink skirmishers. Multiple poison shots will really hurt this guy. They come in boxes of 20 or 24 so you should get plenty of them. If...
Yeah, I think Rat Ogres have LD 5... either way, it's probably the easiest way to kill it.
Yeah, check their stats. They don't have an initiative and hence cannot jump away from the "Pit" that opens up below them. You might have to...
The key to beating skaven is having units that can get around their flanks. Terradons are great for taking out anything that would try to hang...
I can't comment on the orcs, but your slann appears to be a little heavy on disciplines. It's up to you, but I would drop one or two and make all...
The reason for the 2 12 man units is that you get a full rank bonus and can do a 6x2 formation. That's 24 attacks when charged, assuming you...
Did we ever determine what happens when you hit a warmachine with the BoR?
Yeah, drop the Piranha blade and maybe see if you can get those two saurus units to be 12 each, 6x2. Or 1 big 18 man 6x3. Then you could get a...