I, in fact, am not Dutch, but stuck in the middle of the United States. But with all my hickish ways, I welcome you! --DF2K
...Are they really needed? Money's tight but not tight enough that it's a huge deal. What do you guys recommend? --DF2K
Any of the Starship Troopers fans out there read Armor? It's very nice as well... Also, the next Dresden Files book, Changes is out. Gonna go...
No, but I dread waking up in the middle of the night screaming. Luckily we've moved on and it doesn't make my ears bleed anymore. --DF2K
Caneghem, you've nailed something on the head there. Attention span and memory development is taking a nose dive. Who needs to learn to sit still...
GW loves to overcharge for their minis. On a completely unrelated side-note, I need to see my bank about taking out a loan. I wanna get a unit of...
I'll admit I'm not much of a Weis fan. I enjoyed the Dragonlance series in middle-school, but it didn't hold up with time for me. I also tried...
Strew, the Earth Magnet people should start paying you for all the endorsements you give. --DF2K
So looking out the window at work, we are getting insanely insane apocalyptic-level rain. Does everyone have an ark handy? --DF2K
Preorders have started for the Dresden Files RPG (http://www.evilhat.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=65_72), coming out in June/July....
I'm studying Elementary Education with a minor in History. I'm planning on going in as a Social Studies teacher. Preferably in a middle school...
Sad that our world is becoming like that. So many distractions no one pays attention anymore. --DF2K
Re: April Painting Pledge! Alrighty, I'll finish my Skink group! Promise! --DF2K
This is slightly off topic, but I used to think it was hilarious that, once upon a time, you could snipe a hidden Space Marine Sergeant by their...
Funny stuff, there. Also, anyone else think it is just odd that an entire race (orcs/goblins) is basically sentient, bipedal mushrooms? --DF2K
I like basic variables. x, y, a are my friends. Maybe because I'm an English minor so I prefer letters to numbers. --DF2K
As a middle-school teacher of Social Studies that I plan to be, I doubt I'll need that annoying little i. I understand how it works and can deal...
Just finished the final installment in Jim Butcher's Codex Alera series, First Lord's Fury. I have to admit I really got into this series. --DF2K
I'm sitting in math, and my professor is talking about i. My head is .2 seconds away from exploding... --DF2K
I have a premature April pledge! I only do it now because I don't want to make it on April 1st and have fate doom me for making a pledge on April...