Oh! missed that one. thx for correcting me. well, in that case, 3 sallies coming up next game :) not to mention the avoided discussions with the...
salamanders should be OK for dealing with hordes. although my previous experience with them was, that they eat their handlers for the most time,...
We had a nice game with an orc&goblin player this weekend. however, there was 1 questionable point - according to the 8th rules, crews don't...
if I am reading the the new rules correctly, forests now don't block LOS. you just get a soft cover penalty when shooting through a forest. on top...
I think there is a picture in the book (don't have it at hand now)
you mean 2 units of skirmishers, right? you can't overlap ranks in 1 unit as you wish.
you can't choose to have them ranked or not. according to the new rules, they are always in ranks, the difference to normal troops is, that they...
I was referring to example #3 - and you are right I was not quite precise - you say in there the shooters can see less than 50%... it really...
that example with skirmishers blocking L0S for shooting on heavy infantry is not exactly RAW. you are saying the shooting unit can see for example...
maybe I am missing something, but the Blade of revered Tzunki could be of use against the tank. +1S and no AS allowed - sounds quite good to me....
Hi guys, been a while, since I was last here... Preparing to play the 8th ed, we came upon 1 interesting point: considering the new LoS ruling, it...
in my opinion, all the named lizardmen heroes are way too expensive for what they do. even high elves (considered elite and expensive) have...
check my introduction post, there's more about it ! :)
the problem is all that spells except the comet can not be cast by a skink priest. to get the comet out, he needs to be lucky to get during spell...
just 1 more comment - it seems, that if the hole in the template is on the base, it is a hit. the model doesn't have to be fully covered by the...
updated my profile with a picture. if you wonder, what the hell that thing is, it is a ceramic frog, originally intended to be a flower pot, i...
Good to see new people joining all the time. welcome!
thx guys
thx for reply. 1- already lookad at that on the steg page before - it just says missile hits or impact hits are randomized. as the catapult is a...
today we had a nice game, and some interesting questions came up: 1 - ancient steg with EOTG, priest and crew hit by catapult (stone thrower) -...