I have not really played much Lizards in 8th ed, trying out a couple other army lists, but I think that MSU is still a playable army list. The...
In all honestly, I think the Lizardmen army book is really quite good as it stands right now. I would not really want any major adjustments, just...
Hexec rushed towards the door, eager on making sure the glow did not fade. He did not know what awaited them, but he had to make sure that it was...
((Sorry Craken, decided I am going to take about a week break. I will be back up and playing soon though!))
Just an update. I will be taking a hiatus from most internet related activities for about a week. But when I come back expect to see some more...
((OOC: I will be gone for the next two days. Just a heads up.))
Looks pretty good, but you can only have three Kroxigor in your Skrox unit. And the Skavenpelt Banner would need to be taken by a Skink Chief who...
I find that his shooting just is not worth it. Three shots that suffer from moving, multiple shots, and short range, usually just leave him...
Mine is almost identical to yours, with the exception that I add the Bane Head and go character hunting. He always dies without fail. Maybe it is...
Disagree. In every game I have used Terradons, all Terradon-mounted Skink Chiefs do is die. I would highly recommend spending those points...
What The Hunted said. I felt the game was great, so I think a few more practice games are definitely necessary before you go changing things.
Traps would be quite dangerous indeed, Hexec thought. "Best be careful where we step," he said, warning all the others of the possibilities. "Let...
Re: The Defense of Konquata Yeah, sorry, RL is getting in the way, and I get distracted way to easily. But without further ado, I present Turn...
Yep I check that. It says an extra rank of supporting attacks. So no more 2 attacks from the second rank anymore.
As Mathias' Pegasus, Goldstreak, touched down in the outskirts of the town, he immediately noticed an item on the ground giving off a gold hue. He...
The banner truly was beautiful and quite the gift from the Old Ones. "Let's explore the other rooms," Hexec said, eager to hopefully find more...
There can only be one copy of any spell per side. For example, only one Wizard can have Chain Lightning.
I believe it is still a model to model basis.
Re: 1st List You are allowed a Lord at sub-2000 points now. As for the list, drop the skink priest and put in a cheap Saurus Scar-Veteran. I...
Welcome all! I thought I would add a painting blog to the multitude here, in hopes that I may actually finish. Now before you read any further, I...