The door was opened as it was the hall behind them lifted to a slippery slope at slid the party into the room. When the group retained their...
Should be about equal, the Skaven have more heroes in the box, but skull pass gave what each unit was equipped with Blood Isle does not.
Haha see this guy in progress for a long time, glad to see him released finally. Hope to buy him someday when I can afford it, and when I have...
The group moved back into the hall, there where the other doors where they had been, but they turned to the direction at the door at the end of...
Haha ya man I need to proof read my posts. Should have read them stand out in some OTHER way
I like her very neat, love the little feather covering her bum
Ilok donned the helm, instantly visions began to pass through his mind. Visions of a battle fought long ago, between the Saurus Scar Veteran who...
((just waiting for everyone to decide if they are doing anything else or leaving the room))
The died turtle bone shield was expertly crafted, looks like it may have belonged to a saurus hero or champion, by the size of the straps on the back.
Ya I would defiantly move the head up so the guy underneath could see. Other than that looks cool.
As Iloks instinct guided him to the helm, his spell illuminated it, marking it as the only item with a magical aura in the room. (-1 Magic Ilok)
((Sorry for the long delay been too busy to post last little while)) Ax-rodriq patiently waiting for the others to come back to his discovery,...
Ilok grabbed the necklace, as soon as he held it he could feel the protective energy of the Slann over him. He put it on with much pride, as soon...