Yea, i find the best distance away to be is about 8 inches, that way your are just about certain to hit regardless of artillery roll, except for...
it doesn't scatter as such, place the template in front of the sally then the artillery dice roll is how far forward the template moves. a misfire...
Thanks. i think i am gonna buy the razordon models coz i really like them, then either use them as razors or sallys. but probably as razors so...
A VERY impressive list, would love to see a photo of it all. One thing, wouldn't you be better off giving cupped hands to the shadow slaan seeing...
i think this is where you have to say the formation isn't legal, as you say both the slaan and the command MUST be in the front rank.
and that if he's in any other unit, he's placed in the front rank as normal for every other character
it says it in the slaan section i think. he definately has to go in front rank unless with temple guard. ethereal is all well and good but any...
so, do i stick with sallys coz they make sense go take a chance and get something that i love the model for but, if entrusted with a task may fluff it
Don't get me wrong i LOVE the models, and i think my theory is sound, the potential to unleash 10 str 4 shots in one round could and probably...
i think i've tpyed it wrong, i think my scar vet is suppose to have on my original list. edited above to suit. So your not a fan of razordons then.
good luck, let us know how the battle goes
i think so but now you mention it i'm not 100% sure :oops: if not there's another question, how do i get it in the list for saurus.
I like the list mate, i run something similar at this level. Against O&G i'd probably run lore of Life, having said that i rarely change my...
This is my 4k lizardmen list, i own the lot except 2 things which i'll come to later. They've taken part in about 6 games at this points level...
No its not legal. Slaan HAVE to go in the front rank of ANY unit he joins EXCEPT for temple guard due to the sacred duty special rule concerning...
I'd reccomend removing the points costs, its a no no to list it on here. Glittering robe i've never used so can't help. But yes, spearman with...
first, don't post points values for individual units, its a big no no on here. Ok Slaan- take both and ditch higher state i'd say. Higher state...
completely agree. i love it when people invent some fluff for their armies. i do it for all my armys just to give them a bit of character in my...
Love the fluff, nice to see someone taking an interest in that side of the hobby. As for the list, to be honest it looks like a pretty balanced...