Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one I'd rather play uncomped 7th than uncomped 8th.
They aint perfect but are way better than uncompend Cheesefest
Consider Lore of Light over Life. IMHO your saurus warriors are too small (25 is min size for them), give Ironcurse icon to slann, you dont need...
I meant same if he doesnt pass his reg save it's about as effective as Piranha Blade. (statically, let's say you fight vs. Wargulf with scar vet,...
Pics I promised week or so ago :D Group shot [attach] Master Tormertor (really happy with this one, althought it was pain it teh arse to...
IMO Piranha Blade always over BoC. 10pts more, more effective against multiwound targets, about same vs. regenerating things
I'd give him te 5pts blade that reduces monsters/ charaters attacks. Add Lore of Beasts Problem, heroes?
lolwut, only 10 chosens? Where was the infamous 30+ models partybus? I guess he/she didnt have Favor of the gods, frenzy bannah or douple...
Finished my Titan Gladiator (was half painted for 1-2 years on my desk, lol) and Master tormertor is 80% ready, pics coming tomorrow
New citadel washes are pretty awesome, cause you can use them straight out of the pot
I've been very bussy this weekend, but I've now painted Skorne Master Tormertor on halfway.
I'd drop skink shaman beef up your units. I dont know if you use comps or not in SC GT, but I'd take Cupped hands for slann and give Ironcurse...
what strewart said
Check out Warseer. and they only have 8 own magic items: Shrunken head seems ok, others are kinda meh
[attach] Here's things Im gonna paint. couple Skorne Paingivers, Cyclop brute, scar vet, AoW beastmen hero, Thrullg, gors and IoB skaven. Skaven...
Just wanted to share this with you guys, I think this is one of the best painted miniature I've ever painted! [attach] Doesnt have anything to...
TG isnt needed, too many points, but with 300pts you get bsb slann with 1 dicipline, IMO not too expensive.
I'm having Birthday party on Thursday (aka. I'll be driking), so Do you mind If I post pic of stuff I need to paint on Wednesday?
I'd take slann purely for magical defence and as bsb general.
Is your friend going to use 8th or 7th ed. orc book? As far as I know new book is supposed to come out next month I'd take slann, he doestn have...