or give them back their shortbows. actually I had another funny idea a new rule for krox, call it big brother. if you have a skink chief or...
since the theme of my army is sortof more cliff dwelling more incan lizardmen I decided all of my reptiles would be grey and stony. to problems I...
even better thanks to the carpet of araby the old JSOD has at least returned. not the original JSOD but pretty close
so if steg war spear is around we have 2d6 impact hits and d6 always strike last auto hits.... hello horde destroyer.
sorry if the lizardmen questions are in the faq I checked and didnt see them Can a stegadon use a skink chiegs BS for fireing the bow and giant...
what did you use for those tiles on the base?
anyone have any ideas on ways to make them even cooler? I got the war store to take pictures of them with bases to get an idea of how they'll fit...
in planning my escalation armies I have been looking at the special charecters. I already picked up oxyotl and plan to use him however I was...
Has anyOne tried it was thinking a block of 40 in horde mode
I think I fail at blending
and looking for some last minute opinions. need to have my army fully painted and based by april so I get bonus points for having a pretty army...
lol I also bought this silly rock making kit by sceneorama at michaels so I can make some rocks out of plaster using molds
doh sorry forgot to picture them oh also has anyone used these are they any good? [attach] also sadly I dont have a pic but has anyone tried...
http://www.thewarstore.com/media/GF992017.jpg or http://www.thewarstore.com/media/GF992011.jpg for a jungle floor er more specifically I am sort...
awww dey is so tiny and cute and cudwy....oh my god they are eating my face! yes that was actually the kind of nest I was thinking of lol though...
whats that site?
Okay I need help deciding on how to make a nest of reptile eggs best way I could think of is gluing down a ring of some form maybe like a metal...
hmm lore of the swamp or lore of the jungle. maybe sortof like the wood elf lore only dealing more with water.(and all lizies being amphibius)...
I'm not sure about teh orange markings? got a better way to do them? I know alot needs to be fixed on this one using this guy to test doing...
It doesnt help that the quick to fire rule in the 8th edition rule book has a skink with a blowgun right next to it. that might have lead to the...