Just so I understand: A SKROX unit with a frontage of 6 skinks, with a second rank of 3 Krox counts for combat res as having 3 ranks?
If you run 1 Life Slann and 1 Death Slann the Death Slann generates power dice for every wound he causes as the Death Lore attribute, so...
Krox are Monstrous Infantry so they only have to be 3 wide to be in a Horde Formation. So if you have 10 skinks in the front rank that qualifies...
haha, this is why I am thinking of bringing my Dwarfs for round 2, at least they have cannons! I dont think my LM list would stand much of a...
For the 2nd round of Ard Boyz in the first scenario every time you cast a spell you roll a d6 on a 1 you roll on the miscast table. If you cast...
It is obvious you have your mind made up on the subject and no amount of convincing, short of an FAQ, is going to change your mind, which is fine....
There is not spell that says that so not a relevant argument. Transformation of Kadon would be an example of where GW has specified that it can...
I used this tactic yesterday to fly my Steg into the back field on a TK army. Mr.Steg then proceeded to run down unit after unit of skeleton...
Again where it is not specifically stated I would refer back to: Page 104 of the Main Rule Book - A character and mount are treated as a Single...
Yes will definitely have to tweak my list. Currently I was using 4 Single Salamanders and 1 unit of 10 Skinks as 5 soft drops at the beginning of...
While you are correct that it would change troop type; it would be from “Infantry” (model on foot) to “Monster” it would not change his status as...
Sweet. Thanks could have used that for the first round, did not know you could see the missions before hand.
Yeah that would be better, but no Special Characters are used in my local shop, but I can see a use for this in the Ard Boyz!
so on further investigation: Page 104 of the Main Rule Book - A character and mount are treated as a Single Character Model for all rules...
Cheers Walgis. I so want this to be true I would next look at the main Rule Book for Combined Units, as well as look to see if there is anything...
For those of us without books in front of us right now, can someone please post the spells wording in its entirety? That way those of us who are...
Spell description says it cannot be used to heal characters or their mounts, so I believe you could heal the Crew but you cannot use the spell...
Where are you guys finding the Scenarios listed? A link or post would be greatly appreciated.