In our next league by week 5 you have to have at least 1/3 of your army painted (min 3 colors) or you forfeit the portion of your dues ($15) that...
I have mentioned this before in another post, Swarms work great for pulling out Fanatics and to a lesser extend the 5 x posion attacks are good...
Life Slann, Mystery, Rumination, Folding Tower, BSB, Flame Banner 100+ Skinks (in the tower) 2 Reg Stegs 2 Ancient Stegs :clown: Of course...
Here is San Diego CA it is usally 2400-2500. When I lived in London most games were 1500-1750, but that was a while ago, dont know what they play now.
Other option would be to make scenic base that hides the busted leg. Putit behind a rock or a shrubbery.
A river is only if DT if you march or charge though it, a unit can walk though a river normally without testing. But a river does disrupt ranks if...
First Pick - Dwarf, awesome shooting, equal tough as LM. Miners could and Rangers coming in on the flank and rear with a full onslaught of Lizards...
If The Curse of Anraheir in fact turns Open Terrain into Difficult Terrain then I can think of a very nice use for it against frenzied units like...
At my local the rule is “Open Terrain is No Terrain” and does not count for this spell. I read as “ALL Terrain”, so open ground now counts as...
You cannot deliberately target a unit in CC. However, if you aim at a unit in front of a unit in CC and "by accident" the flame spout over shoots...
Skink Chief BSB - Banner of the Eternal Flame - Ancient Steg. Rangeed Attacks - 4d6 + 2 Flaming Poison Attacks from the Giant Blow Pipes and Javs...
If you take a dispel scroll on a Skink priest and Cube of Darkness on your Slann you can stop it twice, as long as he does not IF. Other option...
Another reason for Lore of Life is the Throne of Vines + Awakening of the Woods combo. d6 Str 6 hits 2d6 if any portion of the unit is in a wood.
Nice Job on the tourny and on your battle report. Dwarves are my other Army besides LM, so nice to see them work together and win. Cheers
Dont forget the Thunder Stomp!
Was just wondering if anyone has ever tried soldering his or her metal figs; and what kind of results they had? I just picked up a bunch of metal...
There is also a piece of magical terrain that gives all models within 6" hatred.
The worst by far are Daemonettes, multiple bits, small heads, arms and legs and they all have tiny tiny contact points. Best model to build so...
No because it is still the Slann doing the casting, he is just using the Skink Priest as a focus.
For Krox I use the Black Slaad D&D models, they are plastic and I got 8 of them off ebay for $12US shipped. I primed and am getting ready to paint...