lore of light does work wonders against combat armys :) no units like charing WS 10 IN 10 Tg =) and getting a full buff with phas protection helps...
change my lustrus to new design please, i love them!
the tg are stubborn due slann, you probably go lore of life, so they are a tough nutt to crack your saurus unit is small for this edition...
split chamos lose terradons and make your saurus warriors bigger for the rest it looks nice:)
ah okay, cool than :d
doesnt the spirit leach spell say on the 'unmodified leadership' ??
looks simular to my list, just some adjustments :) my scar vet runs; burning blades dragon helm potion of str light armour shield =)
overread that one , stupid restrictions! i would lose the cupped hands since u wont be casing much spells without throne of vines id go for rod...
couldnt agree more =)
cant take forbidden rod and cube of darkness since they both are arcane items , i would sub both of them and go for cupped hands , than lose soul...
i miss a dispell scroll and also , change the one sallie unit to 2 single sallies with snack ;)
didnt read the cold one! my bad xD
chamo skinks bring me the most points next to my sallies :) i love the little buggers, everyone seems to hate them :(
that only counts when mounted bro ;)
lore of light is just the most offensive and protective lore their is, yeah off and defence! also playing dwarves depends on your enemy :) if u...
lore of light phas protectoin, engine of the gods wardsave and go for it :)
i made the same mistake with pit of shades on slann, ever since than i put him in skinks units and get a look out sir rol :)
your army looks really great man! if my girlfriend borrows me her camera ill make some of mine!
skink priest and skrox unit, giving u something in all areas of the game :)
u can charge fleeing enemies meaning they will flee further u can shoot at fleeing units, if they drop below 25% of their starting size they only...