I like spears over Hand weapons because it gives them a more... "spartan" feel. Having a spiked shieldwall for attackers to face is just awesome -...
1. The Slann now no longer needs to waste points on getting loremaster high magic, and we no longer need mazdamundi to get loremaster. Level 4...
Mortetvie, FAQs and such are actually more akin to precedent cases. In a judical system, a case can easily set a precedent for future cases...
I find this kinda funny. Sorry, but it just sounds hypocritical to me. You make an assumption, and then say it is dangerous to make assumptions....
@Mortetvie If that example was meant to illustrate that, why didn't they explain that in the text as well? Because going by that one example,...
Isn't this only for End Time games, and not for all general games?
This will likely change if they change multiple profiles to single profiles, like they did with Ascended Karl Franz. In that case, a Skink Chief...
I'm curious about this as well. Page 11 does not say it has to contradict it to the point of completely going against it, nor does it say it needs...
So it looks broken? :P
Bad jokes aside, the EggTerradon chief is pretty effective at dealing with chaff, because he can rock one, and egg another, where a terradon...
Hmm, still, I don't feel it is as clear cut as you put it, but that's probably just because "conflict" to me means anything that goes against it....
So... what's the current record for longest thread here on LO? You think we might set a new record here? I'll just point out that words like...
Once again, I feel I have to point out that I am agreeing with you. One thing I do have to point out, as I've been told by a player I know who...
@Sleboda Fair enough. My issue wasn't the long-winded posts, though. The issue was that he seemed to think he is the only person capable of using...
Nothing to do with that, unfortunately. I've seen plenty of logically sound arguments, which are just dismissed by refering to the same arguments...
Ha, that's a good one :D So how many would you propose we get? Are we infantry, or are we monstrous? :P
I have two armies - Lizardmen, which is easily the biggest of the two, and Skaven. Lately, I've been thinking about how to make a list where my...
I'm actually contemplating whether people are trying to defend GWs poor writing skills, or if it's because some people really believe the rule is...
I can't name 1 model with 2 seperate rerolls that both come from advanced rules. They all come from basic rules (ASF, Hatred, etc), or only come...
Re: Can a Saurus character wield Fencer's Blades on a Cold O Funny, my group does the same, though they also give names to characters who...