Even though I live in the Uk. Happy thanksgiving everyone. Lets put this to bed , it is clear both sides are not going to agree until an faq is...
will reply more in depth when I get home but a couple of things. Im not saying pf works with SA . I am saying there is a conflict so why are we...
not to mention a wandering slann will know all rulebook spells
If you can provide me with the exact wording of the rules in question I will try and get an answer for those.
1. to come into collision or disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; clash: This is from a dictionary as regards to the...
its fine skaven kill their own slaves all the time just pretend its a slave up there
but I don't want to be left alone unless we get new units that fill in our weaknesses like undead got. now vc have shooting and don't crumble. if...
So the list is getting shorter for armies we can be combined with ..... ogres dwarfs empire o and g brets skaven any guesses ? brets and...
not sure got the info from a thread on the highelves forum. Have yet to see a page yet so could be bogus
Did you see the part where lore master now is that you can Errol failed casting attempts . Also in magic phase you say what you want to cast...
Fair enough. How about a price freeze. One thing I never will understand is how they can put the prices up on old kits. Take temple guard when I...
Please just give me 5 of those zillion reasons. Back on topic. No one answered my question about if a slan swaps out a high magic spell will he...
Ive seen a few people say they are making it smaller so its cheaper to get started. Why the hell don't they just put there prices down. That would...
Thanks. But isn't this the way you are saying conflict rule works. 2 rules that cancel each other out (stop a rule working) I don't have the...
it wasn't that I didn't read them carefully I just didn't read them. Its a long thread :D explain the dwarf one please .
what was in his list? ive got a 2000 pt tournament coming up and thinking of taking franz
so if a slann has high magic and swaps out a spell he should end up knowing all spells in the ore he picks......
See now you have explained it I can see your side much clearer and makes a little bit of sense. I am still unsure and strongly believe it is...
You are the one being ignorant to others with your I'm logical your not so I'm right attitude. Warhammer is not a logical game. Skeletons can be...
please provide a page where it says advanced > basic. I have only seen armybook>brb. I have pointed out using your own laundry example how...