There will no redundant redundancy in my prize defeating short saga! There be only consistently contradictory phrases such as 'military...
Nice pic, Essmir! The caption should read "what the Mahrlect!" Your shading and use of perspective give the picture real depth, although all...
Scaolenex. You are just a legend at covering your cute little undead tracks, aren't you?
Maybe you need to put "with amusing illustrations" in the index link - it is a sure fire winner!
Don't be fooled, fools! Scalenex will take your ideas under the guise of a wolf dressed as a proof reading grandma lizard! With the week you...
Hey @Sleboda! I was amazed when I saw a friend wearing a Sleboda T-shirt last week in Oz. Pittsburgh Steelers, Huh? I can't believe they stole...
Oh NIGHTBRINGER - don't be such a downer. We could call you PARANOIABRINGER. Obviously it is plausible that Scalenex has a doppelganger. Think...
Everyone got a sketch. If they want those fancy new fangled colour thingies then they could ask you. I guess the sketches are avatar fodder as well.
Thanks @Scolenex! Hope you've got a lot of bamboo!
And that is why Valvorik's Top Hat and Bow Tie Slann looks so sad all the time.
@Scalenex, I can't edit the title anymore to reflect added chapters, changed dates etc. Can you please use your Mod Powers to permanently change...
The Fourth Emperor Chapter 3. The Moon of Spring During the first day the caravan traveled roughly twenty of the five hundred miles to the...
I've just figured out that the animated GIF avatars upload fine, but don't animate in any of the framed pictures. I'm sorry n810. You can't...
What are you worried about? Those feathers tickle my nose! Fingers crossed for a n810 putting-a-border-around-an-existing-avatar instructional.
Tricksy moderatorses, Preciousssss! [ATTACH]
That sounds like dwarf mischief!
The Fourth Emperor Chapter 2. The Dark Lands The River Ruin marked the border between the Ogre Kingdoms and the Dark Lands. As it slid...
That all sound very awesome. that's a lot of irons in the fire too, (and I thought I might have been the only one with such a cluttered mind) so...
Can you explain that please, LKC?