Aieee! Angry Fish! The thing is only half done. Amusing caption, please. (Early Bob stuff got drawn first, then captions were thought up...
You should be fine, @Gemini [img]
Unladen? Do you mean you can DROP those rocks? Someone should write a tactica.
New Friend 20/4/15 @pendrake [img]
Twice now. Sorry. I'll never mention you again.
You must have gotten lessons from the Sledgemaster who owns this thread.
Yeah. Its not like you have a real job like Slannputin. He is a brain-surgeon.
Your status update added to the silence here makes me cry.
Banner carriers also suffer from droopy arm, just with less craters. You could put a little brass pin tin the arm to line up with a socket on the...
Who you gonna call to report THAT to a moderator?
That's a big relief!
And the winner is... @Scolenex !
But...the space-time continuum!
That is pretty cruel. Those poor tortoises.
Poor Tal-Lat. That's not quite true. I am not saying you didn't kill them for good and planned reasons. I am saying that if you hadn't, the...
Yes. Hand weapons, like I said.
Hand Weapons!
Tay was first in a sequence of "had to dies" in Divided we Fall. He and most of the others had to die because ensembles are a disaster if you are...
New Friend. Hopefully. 18/4/15 @The Red Devil [img]