[img] And here is the finished pice :) I got a bit inspired and finished it in one evening :) //Essmir
@spawning of Bob I can give you a litel teaser: [img] //Essmir
Congrats to the winnerss! And bob how did you maneged to guess rhigt on my pice I am not one of the well knowne members, well I guess it was...
I rely hope evrything sorts out tho the best for you  //love from Essmir a internet stranger
It iss to many good competitorss for my lacking englich. I will not sstand a chansse. But I have ssen Oxytol[SPOILER] //Essmir
I Essmir will ssneak in a sstory to this competition. And I will change color like a cameleon sstalking in the night. This iss a chalenge try to...
some thing went wrong whit the picture URL and I don't now how to edit, but here it is [img] by the way what is the topic of next months comp? I...
I thanks Bob for drawing a picture to me even to I didn't won. But I had allready begun to draw my self a consolation prise so I wanted to show...
I like "going to war" on my phone were you only see the backround thoes CoC locks asome. But on the webb browser I prefere"patroling the jungle"...
I will give you an hint: :D I am thinking a romance betwen two Sauruses of diffrent tempel citys. But thier slanns are enemys. So they want to...
Wow! Amazing conversion it locks so cool
Thanks! :D I have waithed fore somebody that now how to make thes files to do them.
I like the idea it wold fore sure lock asum, but wath wodh they cont as? Terradons? Rippers? Ore an allie in t&t?
You make the sculpters at GW lock like amaturs. I will realy think of the things you say wen I eventually comes around to sculptin :D g.
Hello! I'm a swede ho is quite new to warhammer I have the old boxed battel but I don't realy likes thoes armys but I have liked lizards in hole...