The Carno's didn't do very much. In the first battle the general and his carno got shot by the cannon,but the mount passed his test and rampaged...
Ok tournament finished and a short summary: 2 minor losses and a draw Better than expected. I do have the feeling I played fairly soft lists...
yea but I am already at the absolute max of my character points :P like 994/1000 or something. And I'd rather not drop the Skink priest or a...
Yea plenty of WoC, TK, Skaven and Daemons :P
Well I've decided to drop the rippers and add 2x 3 Terradon Riders and a unit of 8 Chameleon skinks. Looking at the list of participants there...
Anyone else have any idea how this list would work? What would you guys change about that list? I was thinking to maybe drop the Ripperdactyls to...
I could switch out the Ripperdactyls for two units of 3 Terradons and a unit of 8 Chameleon Skinks. Then add Ironcurse Icon to the Skink Priest...
I like the idea of having an Ancient Steg (hell maybe even with EoTG) but I think I would lose alot of utility with the loss of the +1 I and the...
I feel that I really need at least 2 groups of Rippers to actually be able to anything with them. They die so fast to just about anything. Taking...
Hi! I will be attending a tournament with the following rules: - 2000 points - No special characters - SoM, End times rules, spells and items...
Agreed with N810 the one with the stripes looks best. Also something you can easily do on an entire army :P
I like the "Chihammer" guy. Mainly O&G player that regularly plays at tournaments. He usually gets shafted by his animosity rolls though :P
The good thing about lizardmen is that just about every colorscheme works. Have a look at the painting section of the forum, I'm sure you will...
Dude those would actually be perfect. Gonna have to do some research.
Belgium, but I don't have a car so am relatively restricted to where I live :P but for now I think the M4s are good enough. Not too huge.
Yea thread, downside is that I can't seem to find any M3 around here for now. These are all M4.
I had a magnet in the model and a magnet on a rod. But yea I'm also trying to find a way to properly sand off the excess"wire" so the screw cant...
Well I've got to say when the legs are attached and from a distance you can barely see that there is a bolt in there. Trick is to GS the hard edge...
Hello Lately I've been trying to figure out how to make easily removable bases with flying models. I'm getting pretty tired of having that...
Yea, I havent done many tournaments but I've played a guy that was a bit of a douche and would definitely have complained about that couple of mm...