Finished my conversion and got my big battlemat today so time for another setup photo! [img] [img] [img]
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So I got the Therizinosaurus figure today, started to assemble with some leftover bits while waiting for my skinks to arrive. At first look it...
Been trying to find a model/figure of a well made Stegosaurus for some time since I have been wanting to convert one for my army. One of my...
May I ask who's left on that wait list you follow? Cheers.
Made a little Orc Warlord conversion this week. Had a box of Black Orcs so used the two banners from that box, one fit perfectly as a helmet to...
A little update on what I have been doing recently. In the wait of something to buy for my lizards and hoping for a mail about woogity's models I...
Not Lizardmen but what I did today. Didnt have any gold paint nor would I go for it, but went with black and silver armor with red cloth. Was very...
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That one is cool! Due to it's size I would put one or two skinks ontop of it. However.. My wallet and me on the matter.. [img]
Got some more miniatures in the mail today so been doing some work and tried to take some better shots of my Sslyth and Twin-tailed Saurus....
Just finished my Sslyth, with spear and custom shield. Used a "head shield" on the Sslyth's head to make it fit in more among the Lizardmen....
Epic work! [img] Still waiting for a mail, curious how the list is currently.
Totally saw it holding a guitar at first, had to double check haha! Nice paint jobs overall. Like the plants!
Oh I will, you will see!
Not same "team". Here is the site I found them at: http://alphaspel.se/shop/1574-tutatis-krogall
They are made by http://www.greebo-games.com/ however cant find them on their site. I found them on a swedish site. They belong to the "Tutatis -...
Painted and added some plants to this today: [spoiler] Will add flock and some "relics" around the site later on.