Skink Priest with Transformation of Kadon [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I agree with @Crowsfoot @NIGHTBRINGER Definatelly the mouth, not sure about the eyes and the gems!
WORK IN PROGRESS -----Skink Priest----- Final Touches before puting it all together. As allways comments welcomed! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
@Rikard VERYY NICE INITIATIVE man! I would really like to see more of this kind of activities in the forum! It really strengthens the comunity! I...
Thanks for the advice guys I will make try that! @Caprasauridae @Crowsfoot to do the marble I painted the staff white and than used a mix of...
WORK IN PROGRES -----Skink Priest----- Some additional pictures of the progress on my skink, trying out a marble staff, not to shure how I feel...
That is also how I ubderstand it! @Crowsfoot the whole point is to do a fast blending without having to go trough the usuak steps! i havent been...
Thank a lot again guys! Always happy to hear it, and if you have any tips or suggestions they are always welcomed! @NIGHTBRINGER @Caprasauridae...
I have been trying out this new technicque called the loded brush, I am still strugling to make it work correctly but I have liked the results...
WORK IN PROGRESS ----- Skink Priest ------ [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Probably a good idea! I will definatelly give that a try
All these models are so awesomee!!! Great job :spiderman::spiderman::spiderman::spiderman::spiderman::spiderman:
@Caprasauridae Yeha :S at least for me its been dificult! I havent gotten it right yet, and I Have allready tried it a couple of times....The big...
@Crowsfoot its called Loded Brush, I fist saw it on this video [MEDIA] It is basically a way to blend faster on the go. Also I highly recomend...
Thanks guys! @Crowsfoot @Caprasauridae I am working on the priest right now, and also trying some new techniques on the skin, hopefully I will...
I believe the rules for life and metal are in gal maraz.... I havent seen them though.
WORK IN PROGRESS -----Skink Priest Casting Transformarion of Kadon (Continued)-----
WORK IN PROGRESS -----Skink Priest Casting Transformation of Kadon----- Hey Guys! Sorry to keep you waiting so long, but since a couple of you...
Thanks a lot man! Sorry I couldn't be of more help! But if i can help with anithig just ask @NIGHTBRINGER
Wow! Thanks a bunch man! I am not sure I am quite at that level but I am really happy you think so. Hopefully I can get back on track and post...