The skink looks great. I think you could go a lot brighter with some of his companions without getting gaudy.
The list is of all 67 (urk!) named characters to help you keep track. To make it less spoileriffic they are listed in the chapter order in which...
Epilogue There was a place. There was no up or down, no length, and nor it seemed any passage of time. There was only an eternity of raw and...
26 Loose Ends Dusk was falling by the time the three elf mages had returned to Yrtle's pavilion. As soon as they were ensconced inside, the...
25 Palace High Inquisitor Schrodinger wrung his crimson hat in his long white fingers. His best had failed. When he had taken them aside to...
24 Torture Chamber Bullenscheisse had been straining to hear what was happening inside Room 101, but all had been quiet. Finally he heard an...
23 Dungeon Emperor Magnus, a singed and furtive looking Imperial Engineer, two Brothers of Purity and an escort of black clad mercenaries led a...
22 Library Mahtis swished his new weapon in a broad arc causing all nearby to duck for cover. It was an outsized ironwood rolling pin. He...
21 Altdorf The following morning, the elvish ship scraped against the grimy Altdorf quayside and disgorged its cargo of dwarfs, lizards and men....
20 Faith It was a tense voyage back to Altdorf. Dwarfs are not natural sailors. Elves are not naturally gregarious. Even the generally...
Welcome back, Fwiend of Bob number 31. Glad you kept your old signature. [img]
19 Reunion Emperor Magnus sat with his legs dangling over the Nuln city dock and took advantage of a moment of quiet to gather his thoughts. By...
I'm still going, really.
That's a rough? that would be good enough for my tabletop, sir. I agree with others that the dry-brush on the spikes holds it back a bit....
Don't tell me that you were being one of the A**ho**es on the train this morning. Don't sink to their level! Btw, this being a family forum - no...
18 The Muster "You are letting them go? Just like that?" called a disappointed townsman. Magnus heard many other voices echoing the same...
17 The Trial Cardinal Werner Heisenberg, of the Imperial Inquisition, had long believed himself to be the second most powerful man in the Empire...
16 The University Plaza The group hurried from Asbestos' place of business, but they had little need for stealth. Those citizens who had not...
15 Nuln The roadway to Nuln was empty of all traffic. A quarter mile from the city there was another oddity: a pair of deep trenches, each...
14 The Road to Nuln Dawn found Magnus brooding on the fore castle. Teclis joined him. "I trust you are rested." The Emperor glanced at the...